Friday, May 15, 2009


* Meeting Kim when I got off work and hanging out for a little bit before going to Historic Smithfield to meet one of her old professors and friends for dinner.  The dinner was great and Katy Cave was really really nice.  I enjoyed meeting her and her kids and we chatted for a long time.  Now she has met me and I think she approves.

* SACD picnic: the directorate I am in had a picnic so I got a nice break from work in the middle of the day to eat and socialize.  It was great to get out in the amazing weather and relax for an hour or so

* I slept in once again and got to work when I felt like it.  The rest of the workday went by very quickly


So I'm posting this a day late, but at least I finally remembered!

* Sleeping in because I just didn't feel like getting up.

* My softball game got postponed.  Normally that would be bad, but I really needed a night to do nothing.

* Relaxing at home and doing a few domestic activities!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


* Being treated to B-Dubbs wings by Kim's parents

* Working a short day

* Light traffic on the way to VA Beach

* Watching most of Flashpoint.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Been a while

So it has been a while, and I need to get back in the habit so here we go :-)

Over the past month+:
* Moving into my house :-)

* Getting everything unpacked

* Painting my guest bathroom and finding nice shower curtains for both bathrooms.  It looks a lot more like a real house without cheap vynil shower curtains.  The decor of the house is slowing transitioning away from bachelor pad style and I like it.  I feel more grown up.

* Passing the 3.5 month mark w/ my amazing girlfriend Kim :-)

* Hitting a triple in softball!  I didn't know I could hit it that far.  In fact, my first one went 3 feet or less from home plate.  My hit last game went less than 1 foot.  Hitting over the outfielders head was as much a surprise to me as anyone!  To add to the fun, I brought in a couple runs, and then made it home on the next batter. :-)

* Hanging out at CG and acknowledging my ditches that I need to dig.

* A quick day at work filled with meetings that made the day fly by.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Bonus Post

I thought of too many more things so I had to make another entry now:

* The A/C has been out all week at work, but luckily it has been cooler most of the days so that we don't overheat inside.  On the 2 days it was warm/hot inside, I was allowed to go home early and work from home :-)

* Only one more night in my apartment!

* Hearing about all the great things that are going on on Kim's mission trip to Bay St. Louis, MS this week.  It has been a busy and exciting week for both of us in different ways and it has been fun to share stories.

* Kid Kraze went smoothly on Sunday even though I was the only tech there in the morning.  Some days I would be far too out of it to run it all myself, but not this Sunday thankfully!

* Eating Thin Mints at work...mmmmm

The Move Part I

* Slowly and steadily moving loads of stuff from my apartment to my house to keep the stress of moving all at once off.  It was nice to have a month to move and I haven't felt behind.

* Getting my new fridge delivered :-)  It is bigger than the one in my apartment but nothing fancy.

* Picking out a washer and dryer. 

* Only having 1 thing I want to try to go to the store to get before Sunday.

* An empty looking apartment

* Having WAY too many is far better to have too many and get rid of some than not have enough!

* Getting everything lined up for my move tomorrow Morning.  3 volunteers and all :-)  Thanks guys!

Friday, February 27, 2009

New Kid Kraze Ideas

* We had our first KK production meeting since I joined the production staff to throw around ideas on how to improve the experience.  There were a lot of good ideas and a ton of discussion.

* After a dry spell with exercising I managed to get myself over to the apartment gym to get on the elliptical for about 20-25 min.  I really needed the exercise and it felt good to get a little.

* Having leftovers in the fridge when I needed a really quick dinner.