Monday, December 31, 2007

The Warm Fuzzies

*Safe drive down to SC.  The drive was quick and traffic was light which was quite unexpected.


*Candlelight service.  The annual candlelight service


*Having all family members present for Christmas, including Rebekah : )


*Smooth ride to Ohio to visit my grandma.  I hadn’t seen her in a year so it was nice to lounge around her house and eat.


*Playing games.  Rebekah got Sean a new game for Christmas and the whole family had fun playing it quite a few times at Grandma’s house.


*Getting some nice presents for Christmas : )


*Giving out a few well liked Christmas presents : )


*Safe trip back to SC from Ohio

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Almost Christmas Time....Heading to SC

*End of the year bonus


*Free pizza for lunch


*Being all ready to go to my parents’ house including a clean apartment and car

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


*2 busy(not overly busy) and fast days at work

*Fresh baked cookies! Mmmmmm chocolate :)

*Small gift bag from a co-workers wife with some homemade snack/dessert items :)

Friday, December 14, 2007


*Unexpected Christmas party leftovers. My boss dropped by my cube (next to his) to point out that they had put out the leftovers from yesterday’s party in the kitchen and that I should get there quickly before other people find out. I managed to snag a pretty awesome plate full of stuff including a chocolate raspberry cheesecake slice! It was awesome, and much better than what I had packed for lunch.

*Leftovers for dinner today, making the 5th day of leftovers. It has certainly been nice having a variety of leftovers to eat this week and not having to worry about cooking after work. If I make it a habit to make plenty on Sat and Sun, I can do this more often.

*Being efficient in getting things done at work. I almost started to run out of pending tasks :)

*Getting home while it was still daylight and going out for a short run around the complex. I even surprised myself by making it all the way around the complex without significantly slowing down once! (we’ll ignore that I felt like I was going to die afterwards, and take the positives one at a time)

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Christmas time's a comin

*Directorate Christmas party.  The directorate I work in at NASA had a Christmas party/lunch during work and it was a whole lot of fun.  While I didn’t really do much besides take a break from work to eat really good food (and a ton of desserts), they played a game and did some raffles.  Did I mention the food was good?


*Having a productive week at work and managing to get a lot of programming done.  Programming makes the time fly by and is like a giant puzzle to me at times, and I actually enjoy it.


*Getting some of my Christmas shopping done.  Now I just need to think of things for a couple more people…


*Sale day at the NASA exchange shop.  I finally bothered to find the exchange (gift) shop at Langley and got a NASA polo for myself.  Somehow it is really cool to be able to buy one and say I work there.

Friday, December 7, 2007


*Dreaming.  Remembering even the existence of a dream after waking up is unusual for me, and having one with people I actually know in it as themselves is even more rare, so it was nice to have a fun dream with people I know.
*Sleeping in.  Deciding every day this week that I didn't feel like getting up when my alarm when off and instead getting up around 7:50am.  Flex hours are awesome
*Getting an email notifying us that Dec 24 is now a holiday for the government.  It is still up in the air as to whether AMA will let us have a holiday, liberal leave day, or make us use vacation, but since I was planning to use vacation, it has to be a neutral or positive thing.  Rumor has it that the same could possibly happen to Dec 31.  This happens nearly every time that they fall on a Monday or Friday.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


*AMA Holiday Social.  The holiday social was Saturday at the Virginia Air and Space Center, and was really nice.  The dinner was catered and I got to talk to some of my co-workers that are my age and meet their significant others.  We got along really well (better than I expected) and I even went over to one of their houses to see it before they headed out for a night on the town.  The area was really nice and it was cool to spend a Saturday evening with friendly people.


*Ultimate Frisbee Game.  We got to play a full 2 games of Frisbee on Sunday with some people who normally play Sundays.  It was a lot of exercise and a lot of fun.  I’m really glad the weather cooperated that afternoon before becoming very windy.


*Successfully Reformatting.  It was about time to reformat since I hadn’t done it in a while and it all went relatively smoothly.  My computer is now running faster than it had been J