Friday, March 13, 2009

Bonus Post

I thought of too many more things so I had to make another entry now:

* The A/C has been out all week at work, but luckily it has been cooler most of the days so that we don't overheat inside.  On the 2 days it was warm/hot inside, I was allowed to go home early and work from home :-)

* Only one more night in my apartment!

* Hearing about all the great things that are going on on Kim's mission trip to Bay St. Louis, MS this week.  It has been a busy and exciting week for both of us in different ways and it has been fun to share stories.

* Kid Kraze went smoothly on Sunday even though I was the only tech there in the morning.  Some days I would be far too out of it to run it all myself, but not this Sunday thankfully!

* Eating Thin Mints at work...mmmmm

The Move Part I

* Slowly and steadily moving loads of stuff from my apartment to my house to keep the stress of moving all at once off.  It was nice to have a month to move and I haven't felt behind.

* Getting my new fridge delivered :-)  It is bigger than the one in my apartment but nothing fancy.

* Picking out a washer and dryer. 

* Only having 1 thing I want to try to go to the store to get before Sunday.

* An empty looking apartment

* Having WAY too many is far better to have too many and get rid of some than not have enough!

* Getting everything lined up for my move tomorrow Morning.  3 volunteers and all :-)  Thanks guys!