Sunday, May 11, 2008

Vacation Approaches

* Having a backup of my computer for when something went wrong…I knew it would pay off some day

* The team we are supposed to play on Monday wasn’t going to have enough people so they asked if they could move the game, and it got moved to a time I can make it now since it originally conflicted with community group (which is why Dave and Meredith couldn’t make it…they are the opponents)

* Finishing up my last full week of work before my vacation :):):)

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Surprising Victory

* Beating the best softball team in the league 11-5 !!!!  I had been told repeatedly to expect to lose since the team we were playing has only lost one game per season for the last 4 or 5 years.  We pulled it off by not hitting to their outfielders and playing well all around.  I got to play second base which I haven't really ever practiced, but I think I learned a few things and will do even better next time.  I had 3 hits out of 4 at bats and scored 1 run!

* Getting in an extra hour at work since the game was a late game, which I will use toward my vacation next week :)

* Not having to do anything else in the evening.  My to-do list through Friday evening was complete :)

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Under 1 week!

* Just under 1 week until I leave for Victoria!!!


* Reaching 100 facebook friends…without just trying to add people to reach a number goal.  Its really not about the numbers, but it was cool to happen to notice it said 100.  My new community group leader was #100


* Getting a lot accomplished in the evening to finally make some more progress on my to-do list

Community Group Begins

* My first community group meeting.  I had heard to expect that it will take a few weeks for people to start to get to know each other, which is why the groups are closed.  Our group seemed to get along and start chatting instantly, so we were leaps and bounds beyond where I expected we'd be after the first week.  I now know what I'm doing almost every Monday evening for the next year.

*  Another perfect evening to leave the windows open all night

* My softball team won their first game (even if I wasn't there!)

Monday, May 5, 2008

Worn a good way

* Playing ultimate with a ton of people for a couple hours.  We actually had a 7 on 7 game for a while and more people came after some left!  It was an amazing turnout.  The weather was a little warm and my legs were jelly at the end, but it was completely worth it.

* Running Kids Kraze tech for the first time with no real glitches

* Leaving the windows open all night with a perfect slight breeze :)

Saturday, May 3, 2008


* Riding my bike approx 13 miles J  I decided to go out and ride because it seemed to help last week.  Once I had gotten as far as I had planned to go, I decided to go around the development I was riding in one more time adding about 3 more miles to the trip.  I was completely warn out when I was done but it was definitely worth it


* Getting a phone call about a pickup game of Ultimate right after I had showered after riding my bike.  I didn’t know if I could handle it but decided to go anyway.  It turned out to be soccer, but I still had fun and discovered that it seemed to have gotten a lot warmer so I didn’t last too too long.  This should also help put me in shape for Ultimate on Sunday if it doesn’t rain.


* Finally getting my hair cut again so that it isn’t so long anymore