Saturday, May 3, 2008


* Riding my bike approx 13 miles J  I decided to go out and ride because it seemed to help last week.  Once I had gotten as far as I had planned to go, I decided to go around the development I was riding in one more time adding about 3 more miles to the trip.  I was completely warn out when I was done but it was definitely worth it


* Getting a phone call about a pickup game of Ultimate right after I had showered after riding my bike.  I didn’t know if I could handle it but decided to go anyway.  It turned out to be soccer, but I still had fun and discovered that it seemed to have gotten a lot warmer so I didn’t last too too long.  This should also help put me in shape for Ultimate on Sunday if it doesn’t rain.


* Finally getting my hair cut again so that it isn’t so long anymore

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