Monday, September 15, 2008

Kneeboarding and Computer Parts

* Getting to kneeboard behind Stew & Claire's new jetski!! It was a lot of fun and has left me quite sore, and I am looking forward to doing it again :)

* Playing ultimate with 7 people between church and kneeboarding, including 2 new people who enjoyed it! I hadn't played in at least a month

* Finishing up day 1 of my short 3 day work week

* Finally deciding on and ordering new parts to massively upgrade my old desktop. I haven't ever built a computer from scratch before, and this will be pretty much from scratch...hopefully keeping the case and power supply and replacing the rest. I'm on my way to making my own DVR :) Yes Tara, I'm a nerd

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Big recognition for a job well done :)

* Finishing up something at work that I thought would take a couple weeks in only 3 days!!

* Getting congratulated a lot by my boss during our weekly team meetings for getting as much done as I did! He even went on about putting it on my yearly performance review! Awesome. We weren't even in a time crunch. Not only was he commenting on my learning a new language and porting a program over, he also realized how much I'd been helping one of the other groups with their code/logic.

* A cooler morning and evening

* Seeing at least 6 people signed up for ultimate on might really happen this time :)

Monday, September 8, 2008

Upcoming fun

* Getting out and riding my bike

* Chatting at starbucks about anything and everything, geeky and
non-geeky until midnight (yes, they close at 10pm)

* Finding out that Claire & Stew got a big jetski and that we may go
out and use it this weekend somewhere :)

* Hearing that my parents will be in town the latter half of next week!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Wimpy Storm Hanna

* Watching tropical storm Hanna go by with no damage. The storm turned out to be pretty weak in the end, so I had no damage to my stuff :)

* Sleeping in

* Talking to my mom on the phone and finding out they are tentatively coming up for camping in mid Sept.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Helping Hands

* Taking dinner to Robby & Suzanne since they have plenty else to worry
about with the arrival of their new daughter!

* Getting to work on some other people's "Matlab puzzles" as I like to call

* Starting to learn a new programming language (C#) and actually making
quite a bit of progress.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Easing into the work week

* Getting my grocery shopping done


* Getting to decide what I want to do next at work since there isn’t a lot that has to be done right now.  A relaxing start to a slow (in a good way) work week


* Chatting with people online


* Getting bike advice from my boss


* Not having things pile up after a 3 day weekend

Busy weekend...Busch Gardens Twice :)

* Going to Busch Gardens and dinner w/ Adam on Friday after leaving
early from work. That's 3 positives in one.

* Chilling on Saturday

* Getting to participate as Event Staff for the WEC groundbreaking
ceremony during which 75 people got baptized! There were
approximately 800+ people present for the single ceremony, and the
whole thing seemed to go really well :)

* Government holidays :) I love getting a 3 day weekend

* Getting my lazy self out of bed early enough on Monday to get an 8
mile bike ride in before it got too warm. I had been intending to do
it for a while, and was still willing to put it off another few days
when I first woke up, but something made me get up anyway...unusual,
but I think I know what it was

* Busch Gardens on Monday afternoon with Bill, Heidi and their ~6mo
old daughter Olivia. We rode a bunch of the rides and chatted a lot
in the process. It was a lot of fun and spontaneous on my end since I
got a message from them right after I got back from my ride.

* A fun, relaxing community group. I even hung around afterward to
chat and ended up staying until 11pm! Thats really late for me but it
was very good and something I had been wanting to do for a while.

* Being reminded that I need to keep up with this blog a bit more! I
truly have been too lazy about it recently.