Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Busy weekend...Busch Gardens Twice :)

* Going to Busch Gardens and dinner w/ Adam on Friday after leaving
early from work. That's 3 positives in one.

* Chilling on Saturday

* Getting to participate as Event Staff for the WEC groundbreaking
ceremony during which 75 people got baptized! There were
approximately 800+ people present for the single ceremony, and the
whole thing seemed to go really well :)

* Government holidays :) I love getting a 3 day weekend

* Getting my lazy self out of bed early enough on Monday to get an 8
mile bike ride in before it got too warm. I had been intending to do
it for a while, and was still willing to put it off another few days
when I first woke up, but something made me get up anyway...unusual,
but I think I know what it was

* Busch Gardens on Monday afternoon with Bill, Heidi and their ~6mo
old daughter Olivia. We rode a bunch of the rides and chatted a lot
in the process. It was a lot of fun and spontaneous on my end since I
got a message from them right after I got back from my ride.

* A fun, relaxing community group. I even hung around afterward to
chat and ended up staying until 11pm! Thats really late for me but it
was very good and something I had been wanting to do for a while.

* Being reminded that I need to keep up with this blog a bit more! I
truly have been too lazy about it recently.

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