Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Back to VA

*Seeing Katherine!  Since Salisbury is right on the interstate I arranged to meet Katherine at Starbucks for about 40 minutes for a stop on my way.  It was good to see her again and catch up on life’s happenings.  I’ve seen her once before since graduation and that was in May and she’s looking even better!  If she ever reads this I’m sure she’ll comment on how hot she is now ;-P


*Smooth, Safe drive back to VA.  The trip back took a total of 8 hours due to the previously mentioned stop and dinner and went quite smoothly with only one slowdown for a couple miles at the very end of the interstate driving for the trip.


*Getting enough done before a meeting I had this morning.  I managed to get myself into work early enough to cram in what I needed to get done.  Turns out we didn’t even talk about it, but I’m still glad I have it completed.  Now I have new assignments…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kevin...update!! Course I don't really have room to talk of late...but still! ;P