Tuesday, December 4, 2007


*AMA Holiday Social.  The holiday social was Saturday at the Virginia Air and Space Center, and was really nice.  The dinner was catered and I got to talk to some of my co-workers that are my age and meet their significant others.  We got along really well (better than I expected) and I even went over to one of their houses to see it before they headed out for a night on the town.  The area was really nice and it was cool to spend a Saturday evening with friendly people.


*Ultimate Frisbee Game.  We got to play a full 2 games of Frisbee on Sunday with some people who normally play Sundays.  It was a lot of exercise and a lot of fun.  I’m really glad the weather cooperated that afternoon before becoming very windy.


*Successfully Reformatting.  It was about time to reformat since I hadn’t done it in a while and it all went relatively smoothly.  My computer is now running faster than it had been J

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Look at you...posting without me even reminding you! Of course, it was one whole week after your last post. Hehe.