Sunday, April 27, 2008

Busy Weekend

* Going to Busch Gardens on Friday! The weather turned out to be quite awesome. To make things even better, I picked up my phone Friday morning and noticed a voicemail that I had missed Thursday evening, and listened to it to discover that Adam wanted to do something Friday or Saturday and suggested Busch Gardens on Friday evening. What a coincidence!?!? I met him there, as well as 4 other people, so it was a lot of fun.

* Laura's Bday party. After Busch Gardens, we went to Laura's bday party at a really nice house on a winding river. I hung out there and chatted with people until about 1am and then headed for home.

* Getting outside to ride my bike for about an hour on Saturday. It was good to get some exercise and I felt like I could have gone further if I wanted to, so maybe I will next time. I needed the exercise and bike riding is much more controlled than jogging. (There is fast pace and medium...jogging only has 1 real not awkward speed)

* Playing Ultimate on Sunday! I had much more endurance than the previous week, which is really good because it was 3 on 3. I am guessing it was due to my bike ride yesterday, and the exercise was paying off. I will have to do that more often.

Friday, April 25, 2008

House Party

* Hanging out playing catch with a softball and frisbee at Yorktown
beach for a little bit in the evening

* Going to the WEC House Party, getting cheesecake from the cheesecake
factory :) and signing up for a community group! That makes me
officially plugged into the church the only 2 ways possible

* Finishing season 3 of "The Office"

* Making plans to go to Busch Gardens :)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

70 and partly cloudy

* Another lazy evening watching episodes of "The Office"

* Driving home with the windows rolled down because it was the perfect weather out

* Leaving the windows in my apartment open all evening and getting the perfect balance of breeze and temp

* Finally getting text messaging! (Hopefully I don't run over!)

The Office

* Relaxing and watching many episodes of "The Office" in the evening

* Getting an electric bill approximately half of what the last one was :)

* An end to the days of rain. I liked the rain while it was raining,
yet was glad to see it stop too

Monday, April 21, 2008


* A fun business trip to Chicago! The trip was a lot of fun and had its own full set of positives. The flights were ALL on time (amazing!), the weather was awesome (the first days over 70 that they had had in 140 days (I heard that on the tv)), I didn't get eaten by a cougar (always a plus! don't forget that!), experiencing another non-lethal earthquake, a really nice hotel, getting authentic Chicago deep dish pizza, getting an authentic Chicago hot-dog, eating at Chipotle, a relaxed work portion of the trip, and much much more!! It was an all around fun trip.

* A neighbor helping me out when I was trying to back out of a parking spot and couldn't see out my back window. They were nice enough to point out an oncoming car that was nearly impossible to see. Neighbors being neighborly :)

* Successfully (mostly!) running the Wee World tech all by myself without any real training! There was only one minor technical glitch that I wouldn't have been able to fix, but I kept on top of all the mics, etc.

* Seeing the monuments in DC on my way back from Chicago from the airplane/airport.

* Only ONE MORE MONTH until Tara, Angela, and Andrew arrive!! Its also LESS than a month until Sean's Wedding :) Oh, yeah and Rebekah's wedding too :-P

Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Sound of Silence...and others

* the sound of: the rain on the car, the air past the car, the relaxing blinker, splashing puddles beneath the tires. It was also nice to have some near silence in a noise filled world

* 2 hours of ultimate Frisbee for the first time in a month! I had a ton of fun doin what I could to get points, even diving for it.

* Learning how to do the "Wee World" tech job at WEC...I had learned a bit of the "Kids Kraze" last week, so now I'm getting closer to actually potentially starting training.

Friday, April 11, 2008

New Shows

* Hanging out in the evening watching The Office and Scrubs at
Alicia's house. I had never seen a full episode of The Office before
and it was pretty funny. It was also the first time I hung out with a
lot of those people outside of Starbucks on Sunday evenings.

* Driving home from work with the windows down and sunroof open! It
warmed up perfectly and became a really nice day.

* A really cool fog in the morning on the way to work. Granted it
makes it harder to drive, but the fog was really neat.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


* Softball practice even though it was cool and drizzly. I was very disappointed when I went outside and found out it was drizzling, but we still had 5 people from our team and 1 from the other to do a little practice.

* Calling Adam and making plans to go up to Richmond tomorrow for dinner a day early for his bday

* Another day at the office with no real deadlines so that I could be as productive as I wanted to be

Monday Monday

* A day at work with no deadlines looming...I was able to be as productive, or unproductive as I wanted!

* Talking to Tara & Ange, and even Andrew on the phone for quite a while while I was on the road, and more on line after :) Thanks gals (and Andrew)!

* Finally making it all the way out to Garden Ridge to get some throw pillows

Friday, April 4, 2008

New Restaurants

* Going to a new restaurant for dinner. I went to Plaza Azteca with some friends since the weather was not good enough for yorktown beach. The food was good and we hung around for a while just chatting. All in all it was a lot of fun.

* Finding out that my boss & project manager want me to go to Chicago in 2 weeks to meet with the other contractors. Originally they weren't going to have me go but decided that we had jumped passed thetop level discussion and they really needed a modeller who knew the low level details to go...and the only one is me.

* Hooking up my new HD cable receiver box and watching a little bit of TV in HD :)

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Chili Cheese Fries

* Looking around the kitchen and realizing the only thing I really had to eat was chili (which is a great option!) and then thinking that I really wanted fries. I though that fries didnt' go with chili and then remembered that they do in fact go! Mmmmm, chili cheese fries!

* The first softball practice. I had been looking forward to batting for a few days and it was fun. The practice was full of oddities...We broke a ball (might have been partially broken, but thudded when I hit it), an aluminum bat (that never happens!), and a windshield! I couldn't believe it, it was pretty action packed! At least the guy who broke the windshield broke his own.

* Sleeping in simply because I wanted to in the morning

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

April Fools

* Seeing other people copying the joke Ange and I started a couple
days ago. When we started it, it was just for fun and spontaneity,
with no relation at all to April Fools Day. Marshall and Tracy copied
for April Fools day, and we all messed with people's heads :-P

* Amazingly warm weather

* Tacos and cheese fries, yum! I was baking fries and decided at the
last minute to toss some cheese on. I'm very glad I did!