Monday, June 30, 2008


* A demo of our software development that went really well at work

* Getting in a little overtime without feeling like I was working over

* A fun relaxing, celebrating community group

Recovery Weekend

* Sitting on the couch all day long Saturday watching movies and TV shows

* Watching the final Euro 2008 game Sunday afternoon. Congrats Spain!
It was an awesome game to watch.

* Going to a free concert Friday in City Center with Stew, Clair,
Clair's sister, Bill, and Heidi.

* Getting Gillato after the concert.

Friday, June 27, 2008

All work and no day/play makes you not like a duck

* Leaving work late and seeing that it was still perfectly daylight
out, even at 7:20pm. It also helped to remember the number of days
that I left right at 5 and it was already dark in the winter. Evening
daylight is quite nice :)

* Watching 6-8 ducks play in a sprinkler in front of my apartment.
They kept taking turns running up to it and jumping and sticking their
heads in the spray from the sprinkler. They were far more entertained
than normal, and way more than I would have expected, especially with
a lake not more than 20 feet away.

* Setting up a repeating donation for Campus Crusade for my cousin.
If you have to ask why this would be a positive, you should give it a
try...just pick your favorite charity/church and see how you end up
feeling (its me!). Doing it is the only way to really

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Hump Day

* Getting to play a little ultimate even if it meant walking around
the whole time

* Finding out my softball team won! (I couldn't play)

* Relaxing and eating sloppy joes in the evening :)

* Getting in an extra hour at work without it feeling like I the day
was dragging on

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Coincidence? I think not

* We had 2 tech people working together in Kid Kraze for the first
time in a really long time (as long as I've been helping). It was
helping things move a bit more smoothly since it really is a lot for
one person to do unless they're really used to it. The other tech guy
got a growing headache during the first service, and felt really sick
by the end of it and needed to go home. It was extremely fortunate
that there were 2 of us so I could take over and do the second
service. Coincidence?? Doubtful...

* Seeing 2 small fawn with some older deer by the road on my way out
of the office

* A fun night at community group. I even got to start off with one
round of rock band (I think that's what it was)

* My first night with nothing else planned in well over a week
yesterday evening. It was great to just lay around

* Juicy steak and fries :) :)

Monday, June 23, 2008

Fun Active Weekend

* Going to Busch Gardens with Adam Friday. I got to work early so I
could leave early and meet Adam up at Busch Gardens. We rode
everything we wanted to and then headed up to Richmond to spend the
night at his parents house.

* Kayaking!! This was my first time kayaking and the weather
cooperated very well. We rode out for about an hour and stopped to
eat lunch in some shade, then headed back while exploring a tributary.
It was a lot of fun and I definitely hope I can do that again

* Playing a laid back game of ultimate with a bunch of WEC peeps

Friday, June 20, 2008

The Evening Athletics Continue!

* Playing a large game of ultimate on Wednesday with 6 people per
team! Time flew by so fast that 7pm rolled around before we realized

* Improving my batting in the double header Thursday compared to the
Tuesday game.

* The sound of rain

* The rain and hail holding out until just after I got home from the game

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!

* Getting a TON of happy birthday wishes on facebook from everyone :)
:) They kept flowing in all day long

* Getting a couple birthday cards/emails as well, and even 2 phone
calls, one of which was the whole UCM crew at bible study!

* Playing Softball

* Going to Plaza Azteca for dinner with Dave, Meredith, Jon, and Bryan

* Opening my presents from my parents! I didn't get a chance to do
this until about 9:20-9:30pm because the day was so full (very good
thing!). Everything I got was blue, as was the wrapping paper, and it
was all very interestingly wrapped.

* An all around good birthday!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Free food, busy day, fun day

* Free lunch at work since I was interviewing a guy for an open position in my group

* A very smooth/successful interview

* Playing ultimate for the first time this summer at NASA.  There were 12 people in all including LARSS students and us old fogies :-P

* A meshing & discussion filled community group

Friday, June 13, 2008


* Safe and quick trip to DC for a meeting on Tuesday.  The traffic was very light and the meeting went well!!  I even got to eat at Chipotle on the way back :)


* Very busy, quick, and slightly productive week at work


* Arrival of the weekend!!  And a week ahead with fun busy evenings :)

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Busy busy

* Keeping extremely busy at work trying to keep my student(s) busy.  Busy is much better than bored, especially when it’s the kind of busy that can be dropped at 5pm and not worried about until morning


* Making a lot of progress on various tasks at work on my own list


* Catching up a bit with Katherine!

Sean & Rebekah's Wedding & TX Visitor

I had an amazing time in Victoria, BC Canada for Sean and Rebekah's wedding.  I had never been further west than skiing in Colorado, so I have now expanded my travel distance.  I also got to see both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans from the airplane/ground in the same day.  The wedding was awesome and there were so many positive things that happened that I can't begin to list them all.  I have been holding off on posting until I could list them all, but I'm getting further behind on everything afterward so I will need to leave it at that.

Right after I got back, Tara, Andrew, and Ange came up to visit!!! We had a really fun time going to DC, Williamsburg, and Jamestown as well as hanging out and expanding my restaurant visits in the area.  I definitely missed hanging around them all the time (well, Tara and Andrew all the time, and Ange when she was around since we never actually lived in CS at the same time) and was very glad to have them stay with me for a few days.  I now have 700+ pictures to remind me of everything we did. :)

Hopefully now I will start updating on a more regular basis as I am not going to worry about listing anything prior to today.