Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thanksgiving vacation begins

* The start of thanksgiving vacation :) I'm all ready to go, just need a little sleep

* A wonderful evening at CG including a Thanksgiving dinner and much more!

* Getting everything done at work that I needed to get done, and then some.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


* I hardly ever win anything. In fact I can't really think of a time when I've won something in the last few years, but today at the evening service I won a Waters Edge travel mug! I should have gotten one a while ago from a volunteer appreciation thing, but I was stuck at work and missed it. I had to toss a bean bag through a hole in a slanted board (the game bago) from about 20 feet away. Last time I tried, I hit the chair in front of me and the bag made it about 3 feet before hitting the ground. This time I did it overhand and half the bag went straight through the hole, and the other half hit the edge and it fell in! Almost a perfect shot, especially considering the board is supposed to help you slide it in...bah! who needs help! I really didn't expect to win one, and I was really really surprised when I did. To make things better, Dave won one too, and was in the same situation I was in. (supposed to get one but didn't and have been trying to get one for a month or so)

* One of my favorite songs played in church today which I refer to as "Glory to God" but I don't know its real name

* After cleaning my car windows and properly inflating my car tires (it got cold since I did it last), my car is almost ready for my drive to OH, just needs some more gas and I'm good to go!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

A touch of life

* After talking to tara about hard to kill houseplants the other day I finally made it out to buy a couple of plants to help bring a touch of life to my apartment. They are right up my alley...they require low indirect light, and can take the low 60s I keep my apartment at when I'm gone. If you can't tell why I picked out the pots I did, you don't know me well enough yet and should definitely ask me why! Here's what they look like (note: all flowering plants I saw require bright direct sunlight, so no flowers for me!)

* Taking care of a bunch of things I've been meaning to do, making it an all around productive Saturday.

* Only 2 more days of work before vacation.

* Putting all my mute math songs (recommended by Bryan!) on my ipod finally for use in Kid Kraze tomorrow.

* Feeling energized (no clue why, but I'm not complaining!)

* Hot chocolate

* Watching lots o tv without feeling obligated or sucked into it, just more of a background or small bits thing.

* Getting off work before 5 yesterday, ending a very very busy week (my boss was surprised I was still there at 3pm since I had far earlier hit 40 hrs)

* Snow in the morning (yesterday)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Whew!....That was a close one

* Managing to recover my crashed computer with hopefully no negative effects!! I thought for sure that I had lost all my files since my last backup when I got a BSOD and windows would no longer boot, but after somehow installing a second copy of windows on the same drive (didn't know you could actually do that...) I was able to access all my old files and back them up. In the process of trying to wipe it and start over I discovered that I was actually able to boot into my old/real windows install! A few quick google searches fixed the problem of having a whole extra unnecessary copy of windows and my broken dell restore boot, so I think I'm right back where I was before the whole problem.

* Chatting w/ co-workers and my boss during another epic telecon....epic (11am to ~8pm...I left at 5:30, but if its like the one last week it will be going til at least 8) My boss was slightly envious of my simple PB&J that was easy to get/eat during the telecon

* Taking care of some much needed grocry shopping so that I could eat breakfast again and help keep myself from being really hungry/tired during work.

* Eating breakfast again!

Sunday, November 16, 2008


* The fall colors

* Getting out and getting my not so needed shopping done

* Chillin on a Saturday

* Highs in the 70s, after a few cooler days

* Ultimate! Even though I thought it would be canceled (and we had called it off) we ended up doing it anyway.

* Discussing Thanksgiving plans! I love this holiday...maybe its just for the food an fam, but its pretty awesome!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Catchin Z's

* Sleeping in til 8! Just because I felt like it

* Talking to my parents on the phone

* Feeling productive at work and at home

* Speaking positively most of the day (something I'm working on)

* Remembering to update this 2 days in a row

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

God Day

* Finding out that David & Angela got engaged yesterday!! It is extremely awesome and I am very excited for them! They definitely make a great couple and I wish them all the best!

* Getting a relaxing evening where I did not feel like watching tv, playing games, or surfing the net aimlessly, which quickly led me to start the book "Velvet Elvis" which is pretty good and thought provoking. I haven't gotten too far but I recommend it to anyone, as it was recommended to me highly by a number of people. No...it has nothing to do with Elvis or Velvet. Also, the title of this post was not a typo (no missing "o")

* Getting an answer to a question I had been pondering for community group which I thought I wouldn't come up with a real answer for. Sometimes it hits you!