Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Part II

* Brian and Crystal were over most of the day yesterday (Christmas Eve) and we exchanged gifts in the middle of the day. They got me (among some other stuff) a book entitled "Labrador Retrievers for Dummies" which I am now more than halfway through already. I finally got to the training part, but have completed the choosing, grooming, feeding, and caring parts. I can't wait til I get a dog! After all, to quote the book : "The yellow lab puppy is, quite possibly, the cutest dog in the world."* Going to my parent's church for Christmas Eve

* Playing board game with my Mom


Daniel said...

Did you get to check out any of the WEC service online? It was most awesome. Maddie caught a Chik-fil-A cow launched by Rob from the stage, had to give it to a sad youngster, and then caught a second that she got to keep. Needless to say she was all smiles. Hope your day is wonderful and filled with the spirit.

Kevin said...

Unfortunately I did not get to see it. I really wish I had been there! I'm glad to hear that Maddie go to keep the second cow :)