Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Vacation Begins

* A safe drive from VA to SC where I will be for a few days before heading to Pittsburgh. The drive actually went faster due to a work telecon that I listened to for 3 hours on the trip. The bonus to that is that I didn't have to use vacation time while I was on the telecon.

* A fun Christmas party for community group, complete with too much food, white elephant gift exchange, and games

* A quite fun and entertaining Christmas party at Angela's

* Winning the tacky sweater competition at Angela's party

* Meeting new people, even if I didn't really remember any of their names by the time I got home.

* No more work for a while!

* Seeing most of my fam again

* Seeing TONS of presents under the tree...actually, most of them don't fit under the tree. (pictures to come in future posts)

* Way too many other things I've come up with in the past few days too list them all

1 comment:

Daniel said...

Kevin, hope you have a totally exciting, satisfying, fulfilling, and blessed Christmas. I look forward to talking with you about break when I see you next year.