Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!

* Getting a TON of happy birthday wishes on facebook from everyone :)
:) They kept flowing in all day long

* Getting a couple birthday cards/emails as well, and even 2 phone
calls, one of which was the whole UCM crew at bible study!

* Playing Softball

* Going to Plaza Azteca for dinner with Dave, Meredith, Jon, and Bryan

* Opening my presents from my parents! I didn't get a chance to do
this until about 9:20-9:30pm because the day was so full (very good
thing!). Everything I got was blue, as was the wrapping paper, and it
was all very interestingly wrapped.

* An all around good birthday!

1 comment:

Tara said...

Glad we were one of two phone calls. I had wanted to call you all day, but thought it would be much better if I waited until I was with everyone!

What did you get from your parents?! And if course it was all blue. What did you expect? Lol.