Wednesday, November 12, 2008

God Day

* Finding out that David & Angela got engaged yesterday!! It is extremely awesome and I am very excited for them! They definitely make a great couple and I wish them all the best!

* Getting a relaxing evening where I did not feel like watching tv, playing games, or surfing the net aimlessly, which quickly led me to start the book "Velvet Elvis" which is pretty good and thought provoking. I haven't gotten too far but I recommend it to anyone, as it was recommended to me highly by a number of people. has nothing to do with Elvis or Velvet. Also, the title of this post was not a typo (no missing "o")

* Getting an answer to a question I had been pondering for community group which I thought I wouldn't come up with a real answer for. Sometimes it hits you!


Daniel said...

Welcome back.

Stephen said...

almost two months without a post... is that some kind of record?