Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Part III - Christmas Day

* Opening all of my Christmas presents in the morning/afternoon. It took us over 3 hours and there were only 3 of us! We did fiddle with things in the middle, so its understandable. I love the stuff I got, from the fuzzy pj pants to the game controller

* Finishing my "Labrador Retrievers for Dummies" book. It was a great read and I learned a ton of new stuff. I'm extremely ready to get a dog! Then comes the hard part of picking a name

* Relaxing, having fun, and eating turkey!

* Getting ready to travel to Pittsburgh. The weather looks good and we're set to go. As a side note, this means that this will be my last blog post for just over a week, but rest assured that there will be plenty of positive things happening in the mean time, most of which I will probably forget by the time I try to post them.

1 comment:

Tara said...

Good took y'all 3 hours?! That's crazy!!

Yay for finishing the book. Glad you feel more informed now. You should be totally prepared for the puppy by the time you get it.

As for a name...hmm...let's see. First of all, male or female? For a male I like Bo or Harley. For a girl, I like Maggie or Mia. Just thoughts!

Have fun in Pittsburg!!