Friday, February 27, 2009

New Kid Kraze Ideas

* We had our first KK production meeting since I joined the production staff to throw around ideas on how to improve the experience.  There were a lot of good ideas and a ton of discussion.

* After a dry spell with exercising I managed to get myself over to the apartment gym to get on the elliptical for about 20-25 min.  I really needed the exercise and it felt good to get a little.

* Having leftovers in the fridge when I needed a really quick dinner.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

And so it begins!

* Kim and I changed the locks on my house yesterday so now I can really begin to move things over without fear of someone else having a key to my house.

* Dave came over to view the house and I got to give the quick tour for a second time. It is pretty neat that he lives so close by. I certainly enjoy giving the quick tour around my place.

* Kim brought dinner with her when she came to my house so we did a little picnic in my empty dinette area! I completely didn't expect it and it was very appreciated! The food was great and it was my first meal in my new house. She also became my first visitor :-)

* The sellers left the roman shades in the bedrooms that I really liked :-) Apparently they are really expensive so I'll have to find something else to cover the remaining windows.

* Near the end of the evening it started to sink in that I had a house. Once stuff starts to move in it will sink in some more.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


* I GOT MY HOUSE!!!! The final walkthrough this morning and closing went really well and I am now the proud owner! I don't think the fact that I have a house has really set in yet, but I'm sure it will by the time I stay there one night. I've got a lot of work to do to get all of my stuff over there and my address changed with every company imaginable, but its really exciting!

* Talking to Kim about my house and getting constant reminders about how excited she is for me!

* Hanging out with Kim over the weekend on a number of occasions!

* On friday I got to play laser tag for the first time in a long time and I loved it. I didn't do as well as I thought I did but it was still a lot of fun.

* Over the last week I've been able to disappear from work whenever I needed to to take care of my house and everyone has been really flexible about it. I'm very fortunate to have a job that allows me to do things like that

* Here's the picture I mentioned in the last post. I really like it:

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Yay for a holiday!

So I really haven't been any good at keeping up with this, even though it should be exceptionally easy at this point!

* Dinner at Bill & Heidi's on Friday with Kim was a blast. Heidi made some awesome chicken lasagna and Kim & I brought brownies and icecream for dessert. We hung out and played 9s and watched Dan in Real Life. I felt bad for Dan throughout most of the movie. Heidi also took the first pictures of Kim & I together :-)

* Valentine's day was fun and relaxing. Kim & I went to Hayashi Japanese Steakhouse in Williamsburg for a late dinner. We didn't get to eat until close to 10pm, but that didn't matter too much to us. I made a chocolate cheesecake for dessert and Kim really liked it :-) Win one for chocolate cheesecake! We felt like our stomachs would explode but we at most of our small slices. I made her take some home for her Mom and later she shared some with a friend of hers too. They all liked it.

* Hanging out with Kim for the majority of our day off thanks to Washington (and Lincoln, whose name isn't actually on the Holiday...its not actually Presidents Day). I got my butt kicked in Wii bowling, golf, and tennis, but it was still a lot of fun. :-P I will improve my skills slowly and win one of those some day! We ran some errands too, and Kim got me a new devotional book that she really likes. Thanks Kim! All in all it was an awesome day off.

* On Monday I also met some of Kim's former Chick-fil-a co-workers when we picked up lunch to meet her mom at the school where she works. I also met some of her mom's co-workers/friends and they all seemed to like me. I had no idea I'd be meeting so many people but it all was very amusing. I even got threatened once, but I think I'm safe :-P

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Tuesday Tuesday

* Making some preliminary plans with Adam for the 21st or 22nd.  If the weather cooperates we may be going hiking :)

* Finally making it out to get groceries so I can eat whatever I want again!  Its the simple things in life

* Plenty of emails, texts, and IMs from Kim throughout the day :-)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Amazing Weekend

* This past weekend was a big weekend that I spent the entire week prior looking forward to. Kim Gibson is now officially my girlfriend!! :-) It has been a very exciting 2 weeks and 4 dates since I first got her name from Bill Sprouse and sent her an email to meet. Bill set us up on a blind date without even knowing who Kim was, and it all rolled quickly from there! This past weekend we got to watch a movie on Sat and hang out on Sunday for most of the day starting with Kid Kraze in the morning and ending with a John Tesh concert in the evening followed by a late dinner with some of her BCM (Baptist Collegiate Ministries) students.

* The John Tesh concert was a LOT better/funnier than we had expected.

* The weather was completely amazing on Sunday with a high near 70 and bright and sunny.

* Changing my Facebook status and getting comments on it via Facebook, in person, and through emails from many people.

* Squealing friends who saw Kim and I. I won't name names but you know who you are :-P

* Did I mention Kim is officially my girlfriend!? Hopefully I don't embarrass her too much! haha. If you look at the posts over the last 2 weeks you will see references to Kim without her name mentioned, but now it is in the open.

* Way way way too many other things to list!

Friday, February 6, 2009


* My afternoon meeting got out on time so I got to go home at 4:30 which was a much needed break after getting out around 7:30 wednesday

* TNL!  WEC did Thursday Night Life which is an extra worship service on a Thursday where they sing songs and talk about the building and plans for the church.  Our new move in date is May 30!  It will be here soon.  I was excited to see the new Kid Kraze area and I'm glad it has no windows so that we can better control the lights for more of an effect.

* I have gotten a few more yes's from people saying they'll be at lunch on Sunday.  Its been a long time since a group has gone out to eat after church.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Looking Ahead

* I worked some overtime today sitting in on a telecon that ran well past 5, so now I can take more vacation later if I want to.

* My plans for the weekend have begun to solidify. It will be a busy Sat evening and Sunday, and I'm really looking forward to it!

* Keeping in touch with a bunch of people over the last 2 days. I think I've answered more questions and chatted more than I have in a long time.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Case of the Mondays? Not quite!

* Even though there was no community group this week, I still got to hang out with Stu and Claire and watch new episodes of House and 24. I do enjoy both of those shows and the new episodes were good!

* At work today I kept busy during my afternoon meeting by doing a variety of email/IM things which was a much welcomed relief for the day since I had already accomplished all I needed to.

* Getting out of a post-meeting meeting that was about to start at 5:10pm. I think my boss would have preferred that I was there, but he let me go anyway :)

* Starting to make plans for the weekend!

Super Bowl Sunday

* I was one of only 2 Steelers fans in a room full of Cardinals fans, with plenty of talk back and forth. I was very nervous at points, but the Steelers pulled it off, and I didn't even get immediately thrown out of the party! The party was great :)

* Stu's sermon this morning at WEC made me think 2 main things....Dang, I'm lucky, and I need to be careful. The first was a great feeling, and the second was a much needed caution, so a 2 in one positive for this morning.

* I hung around to chat with a couple people briefly after church, which I don't usually do when I'm not working KK. I enjoyed the socializing, espcially since there is no community group this week.

* I found out yesterday that my new community group is the same as my old one, with some extra people including Dave & Angela!

* I signed papers for my house, requesting 1 repair. This brings me one step closer to home ownership. I also found out that the people I'm buying from are doing a home inspection of the one they want on Wed...this is good news since I can't have the house til they find another.