Wednesday, August 22, 2007

1-1/2 Weeks of Work

*Finishing up 1 and a half weeks of work!  The time has just flown by since I've been busy for the most part.  The first whole week was filled with meetings, but this week has been pretty open so far.  I've been deciding what to work on and asking people what needs to be done since my boss is out of town, though he finally emailed me to give me the task list priorities.
*Already having pretty much completed tasks 1 and 2 on the priority list from my boss before he even sent it to me.
*Half price drinks at sonic.  I was driving around town and remembered the half price drinks and made it to sonic just in time.
*Hanging out at Kevin's for dinner.  We decided along with another guy (Mark...see I remembered a name) to meet for dinner at each others places every Wednesday since we are each on our own (their "better halves" are out of town for the weekdays), and that way we can cook for multiple people and hang out and play games or something.  I will really enjoy hanging out without eating out.
*Slowly learning people's names and figuring out what they are working on.
*Reading Harry Potter 7.  I haven't finished it yet since I've only had 2 evenings after work to read it, but I'm far enough along that I will be able to finish in one more evening without staying up any of these nights.
*Flex hours.  If I don't feel like getting out of bed when my alarm goes off like today, no problem.  I got to work at 8:30 but still left around 4:50 because I was actually productive during lunch time.  I could have even left earlier.  They don't care when you get there or when you leave as long as you do 40 hrs per week and are there from 9:30am-2pm (core hours).

New Car!!!!

*Getting my new car!!! I picked up my 2007 Accord EX (sedan) on Saturday, and it is quite impressive.

*Getting a pretty good deal on the new car!

*Being able to roll the windows down, plus the added benefit of being able to open a sunroof!

*Being able to roll all the windows down with the remote from a distance. Just a cool fun feature to air out the car on warm days.

*Not having to worry about sticking my badge out my rear window for security because of my window!

*6 cd changers - lots of music can be taken with me easily now. Sure beats my tape player/radio.

*Cruising around listening to lots of good radio stations and cds.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

First Days of Work

*Starting a new job. It always has anxious yet great feelings.

*Getting a badge that lets me into NASA...I finally did it!

*Getting in on a new project from the beginning. Since I am the primary full time person on the task and it is brand new, I have less catching up to do and very little juggling of multiple tasks.

*Actually being able to give input. I got assigned specific things to do and can actually do them or ask real questions in my brainstorm meetings and mention how I would expect things to look.

*Meeting with the Director of the branch. I got to meet with the director, which some people don't get to do in their first 2 years, and I did it on the first day! It is very interesting to see your boss' boss reporting to his boss. A very different situation.

*Getting my car. I got my car on Wednesday evening, and is nice to not have to get rides to work all the time, even if the car isn't doing so well.

*Hearing that the moving company should be here early Saturday morning!

*Making friends with some of the people in the branch. A lot of them are near my age (<6 yrs older) so we get along pretty well. This definitely helps.

*Enjoying the first 4 days. Lots of meetings and some work, and tons of paperwork, but actually enjoying it and looking forward to more years of ever changing projects.

*Sitting on my couch. This is still quite pleasant, and not taken fore granted! Comfy Comfy

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Williamsburg, Kevin's, and First Church

*Going to colonial Williamsburg and Jamestown with Adam.  We walked pretty quickly through the areas and saw both colonial Williamsburg and Jamestown.  We didn't make it out to the Jamestown island, but maybe some other day.  It was good to see Adam again and I think we both enjoyed it.  The weather turned out to be perfect, with a high of probably about 80 compared to the 100+ we had been hitting this week.  It was also cloudy which made it better.
*Evening at Kevin's.  After I got back from Williamsburg I headed over to Kevin's for the late afternoon/evening.  He had been out of town from Tues until early Sat morning so we hadn't gotten to hang out at all.  We played boggle and ate Chinese food and played another game that I have forgotten the name of.  It was fun and I learned a little more about what I might be doing come Monday at work.
*Checking out the closest Presby chuch in the area (Kirkwood Pres).  The people were really nice and joked around a lot.  Attendance wasn't too high (~70 from what I counted) but I think most people are on vacation since the bulletin attendance history showed 110-120 only a few weeks ago for a couple weeks.  I now also have a mug, which makes it the first actual cup, plate, or bowl in my apartment.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Comfort: Couch, Completion, and Consumables

*Couch!!! After sitting sitting on the floor all week, my couch has arrived, and it is amazing, pillow topped cushions and all! I love it, now I just need to add some color to the room, probably blue. I'd get curtains if I could afford them, but alas, they will wait.
*Cinnamon butter and bread, yum yum

*Cheese spread and crackers. Even if I actually have to dip the crackers because I have no silverware, its still awesome.

*Library having 3 copies of Harry Potter 6 on the shelf so I took one. I felt a little weird walking into the entirely separate juvenile section (not to be confused with young-adult) but once I got Harry Potter they didn't look at me weird anymore. :-P

*Taking care of almost all of the remaining tasks before I start work.

*Making final arrangements to meet Adam in the morning!!! I haven't seen him in over 2 years!

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Pleasant Time Passers

*Borrowing internet from my neighbors most of the time...only a little unreliable
*Hours and hours of Whose line I happened to have handy so I didn't get bored without internet or TV for a while.
*A good book.  I finished up my book I started in the airports on the way.  It gave me a good productive set of evenings.
*A nearby library.  I stopped at the library to check it out and get a card.  It is only a couple blocks from my apartment, quite convenient and should help keep me busy in the evenings.
*Plenty of stores to browse, even though I often wasn't actually getting anything.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007


*Safe flights to Virginia.  They were mostly on time.  The Atlanta arrival made us circle and almost divert to another airport but we waited a while and finally landed pretty close to the original scheduled time because we were previously early.  The Newport News landing was very slow in the pouring rain and for a minute I thought we might not stop in time but after a few extremely noise full reverse engine maneuvers, we turned right before the end of the runway
*Staying with Kevin Earle.  I got in pretty late (11pm) and spent the night with Kevin Earle at his new townhouse.  I was grateful to not have to stay in a hotel or my car, and it was good to see him again.
*Driving a mustang.  I got a red mustang from the rental company and drove it for a day then made a reservation for a cheaper economy car and took it in to trade it, only to find out that the mustang is the cheapest they have so they gave me a new BLUE mustang as my new economy car!  It is an awesome car and fun to drive.
*Making arrangements with Adam to meet him in Williamsburg on Saturday to see the colonial parts of town!  I haven't seen Adam since I moved out of VT, and I also wanted to be a tourist in Williamsburg with someone sometime so this will be fun and exciting.
*Getting my new apartment keys without a glitch.  Everything was in order and it was all taken care of quickly, and I got to see my new apartment.  It is really nice with a vaulted ceiling and nice balcony.  I took a lot of pictures and will make a website from it sometime.
*Shopping.  I've been doing a lot of shopping for all sorts of things I need, from trash cans to lamps and a couch and loveseat.  I just picked out the couch and loveseat and it will be here in a few days!  I'm excited about being able to afford some of these things even if I am getting the cheapest ones I can find.  I have managed to finish most of my shopping in a little over 36 hours of "moving in".
*Chic-fil-a.  Eating at a Chic-fil-a for the second time in many many years since it wasn't ever convenient.  The first time was when I was staying with either Tara or Andrew, and now I've also eaten there 3 times (Mon and Tues) since moving to VA.  I discovered that they have buffalo sauce and it is excellent!

Technically Homeless But Never Without A Home

*Everything going smoothly with the moving company who came to get all my stuff.  They luckily started earlier in the day than originally planned so I didn't have to worry as much about them finishing in time.
*Staying at Tara's.  After I became homeless and carless Tara came to pick me up and I stayed at her apartment in the spare bedroom for 2 nights.  It was extremely relieving to not be moving out and flying out on the same day.  I had been so busy getting ready for the movers I hadn't really had any time to hang out with friends, but staying with Tara provided a lot of that precious time.  I may have technically been homeless, but it never felt like it, and I know I always have a "home" with some UCMers whenever I need it.  Thanks Tara!!!!
*Staying at Andrew's.  After Tara's parents came into town, I switched over to Andrew's apartment for the remaining nights.  I excited Zeke too much a couple of the mornings, but it was a lot of fun to spend pretty much all the time Andrew wasn't in class with him and Zeke, and with Zeke while Andrew was in class.
*Tara's bday celebration.  Tara's dad cooked burgers that were quite yummy, just like last year.  And a bunch of us hung out, and then went to see....
*The Bourne Ultimatum.  We saw it on opening Friday in the evening.  The movie was really good, and very exciting.  Even though we were sitting practically in the front row, it was a great movie, regardless of how different it was from the books.  I definitely want to buy the box set of 3 Bourne movies!
*Andrew's Wii.  Andrew got a Wii while I was staying with him, and we had fun playing it most of one of the days.  I didn't think I would like it as much as I did, and I made a Mii character to leave on his Wii long after I'm gone.
*Tara and Andrew both taking me to the airport on Tara's Bday.  I was glad they both were there to say bye at the airport and I will miss them both a lot!!!