Monday, November 5, 2007

Aroma Therapy

*Fresh Baked Bread....I made some bread completely from scratch, and even though it turned out a bit more dense than it should have, it was still quite yummy, especially warm right out of the oven!  It also filled the apartment with a nice aroma
*Curry.  I hadn't done any curry dishes in a while because my last one didn't turn out so well (Indian recipe).  I took Adam's advice and used the recipe (Thai) that comes with the curry I had and it turned out pretty well.  At a minimum it managed to make the whole apartment smell like curry, which is a good thing :-P
*Wet leaves.  Fall and winter both decided to show up in the past few days.  First was the signature fall smell of wet leaves, then a little later came the crisp cool air smell that an oncoming winter brings!  I love both of them!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yummmm...fresh baked bread! I love it! Adele's mom makes awesome bread. My mouth is now watering for some!