Thursday, November 8, 2007

College Station Trip Official!

*Playing Frisbee in the dark.  Now that the sun goes down at 5, we play Frisbee in the dark.  I have a light up LED Frisbee which flies remarkably well and so we can see it at night.  The cold hasn't even stopped us yet (40 deg today)
*Purchasing a plane ticket for College Station!!!  It is now official that I am going to College Station for MLK weekend!  It is going to be a blast and I'm very excited that I got to get the ticket and finalize things
*Winter.  Winter is nearly here, freeze warnings and all.  The air has been quite chilly in the mornings and cool at night (low 40s) and now it should be hitting mid 30s.


Ange's Blog said...

Ya know, I like cold weather too. Some people think its weird, but I find it very enjoyable!

Anonymous said...

1. You are such a nerd for having a LED frisbee. Lol.

2. Yay for College Station!!!!!! I'm so excited that you're coming.

3. Also yay for cold weather!