Monday, March 31, 2008


* Not missing a single blog entry in March!

* A quick day at work that started from an empty schedule and a list of simple tasks. Perhaps what made it so good was the fact that a few of the tasks involved chatting with people about simple conceptual items

* Setting aside an hour in the evening

* More rain...and this rain brought 60 deg temps in the late evening

Planning!! ;)

* Sleeping in

* Hanging out at Starbucks

* Accomplishing a lot around the apartment in the middle of the day

* The sound of rain

* Staying up late entirely due to an extremely fun set of conversations with Ange, Tara, and Andrew!! It was a whole lot of fun and we got a lot of planning done! haha! ;)

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Lazy Saturday

* Waking up and realizing there was NOTHING on my to do list for today! That hasn't happened in forever

* Getting a little organizing/cleaning done

* Cooking chili :) I like my chili and it takes a few hours so I only get to do it on Saturdays when I'm not running around. Now I'll have leftovers for quite some time.

* Looking forward to Sunday. Its a positive feeling so it fits here, not that I actually have to justify anything I put here :-P


* A very entertaining set of phone calls from Ange! (with some input from the rest of the van headed to retreat)

* Finally having another meeting with our customer at work, and having him be happy with our work and ideas. We got a bit of a new direction but that is ok and we'll work through it

* Getting to work early. I needed to get up early and get into work early to get some stuff done that I hadn't done Thursday and I actually pulled it off. I really thought I'd probably sleep in and not get to work when I wanted to like usual, but I surprised myself and made it.

* Getting in a couple extra hours at work which I can use either next week or in May whenever I need them.

*Being told I could work 80 hours a week if I wanted to and then disappear for 2 months. I think my boss was at least partially joking but the thought of a 2 month vacation was an interesting one.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Yorktown Beach

* Hanging out at Yorktown Beach! (nicknamed Thursday At Yorktown Beach [TAYB]) We played catch with both a softball and Frisbee, sat around and chatted, and played bean bag toss.

* Perfect weather for an evening outside...It was ~75 during the day and sunny :)

* Having a feeling like I had a mini-vacation when I got home in the evening

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


* Coming home to the smell of my crockpot chicken and dumplings.

* An evening to relax

* Seeing deer by the parking lot at work. I hadn't seen them wander out of the woods there before, but I can usually hear them. It was cool to see 2 or 3 of them wandering around by the side of the lot.


* A theologically rich, interesting meeting!

* A fast day at work filled with meetings and other activities

* Finding enough food to last me another day so I didn't have to go
grocery shopping

* Getting laundry done


* A quick efficient day of work, getting caught up on emails and other
things I missed.

* A relaxing evening with nothing important to do! I hadn't gotten to
relax in a long time and it felt really good

* Getting to bed early

* Catching up a bit with Ange who I hadn't talked to in forever it
seemed! I have no idea how that happened


* Having a fun cookout and watching my cousins cook everything they could find over the campfire. Apparently flame cooked grapes on a stick actually taste good! Celery, Dorritos, Carrots, and a number of other things were on the failures list.

* Having an extended family that really didn't want to see me leave. My youngest cousin even refused to stop hanging on my leg for quite a while!

* Safe drive back from SC to VA, and a return to a clean apartment.

Zoo & Park

* Getting to finally really hang out with my extended family including my cousin and his wife (who I didn't meet until friday)!

* Going to the zoo, zoo, zoo! We went to the Greenville zoo for the afternoon and everyone enjoyed seeing all the animals. My youngest cousin Matthew had been extremely shy on Friday and hadn't really said a word to me, but he returned to normal and wouldn't leave my side for
the most part starting Saturday at the zoo. :)

* Reedy River Park. We went to the reedy river park in the center of Greenville, and once again the weather was perfect. The park has a (20 ft??) set of falls in it and a really nice looking walking bridge.It was funny to see my aunt facinated by the bridge since she is a
bridge designer/inspector.

* Going out to eat at Ryan's

Brian & Crystal's Wedding

* BRIAN & CRYSTAL'S WEDDING!!!! The wedding was amazing. It was
outdoors, the weather was perfect, the decorations were great, and
everyone looked beautiful or sharp!
* Seeing all of my relatives and some of the people from my church at the wedding

* Finishing up all the last minute stuff in time

* My new sister-in-law Crystal!! :)


* Brian's rehearsal!!!! The rehearsal went well and the weather was awesome. We also found out that the weather for the wedding would be perfect as well!

* Getting a lot accomplished toward making the wedding happen without any glitches

* Hanging out with my brothers

* Spending the night at Brian's


* Half day of work!

* Smooth, safe drive to SC from VA. I made it with only a little
traffic, despite the heavy rain for hours. I was expecting the worst
when I left and was pleasantly surprised.

* Getting to see my family

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Last Full Work Day

* Completing my last full day of work for the week

* Getting something done at work that I thought would take through
Wednesday morning

* Getting the apartment clean enough to leave and the majority of my
packing done

* Making it all the way through Romans in one sitting. I'll have to
go back and do it again to make sure I caught all the overarching
themes, but that was a great start.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


* Quick smooth day at work

* Extremely quiet office since everyone is out of town

* Getting the chance to finish up some non-work research I was working
on and discuss it

Monday, March 17, 2008


* Ultimate! And we even had 12 people show up, which made for a fun
set of games

* Water's Edge's 5th bday. The church turned 5, and they had a
special evening service with free gelato :)

* Hanging around at Starbucks in the evening and chatting with people

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Game Day pt. II

* Game day at Kevin's again. We played a lot of games, and I learned new ones, and got better at ones I learned last week. It was fun and took 10 hours! Quite the busy afternoon/evening

* Another perfect sunny day!

* Sleeping in, and still getting some stuff done in the morning that I needed to. I forget how nice it is to sleep in on weekends, and its always a pleasant surprise

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Bonfire @ Beach House

* The beginning of the weekend, and what a busy weekend it is!

* Going to a "Bonfire" party at a beach house on the Chesapeake Bay. It was the perfect weather: partly cloudy, light breeze, and just cool enough that you'd want to be near the fire, but not cold enough to make you cold when away from it. It was a lot of fun and the scenery was great.

* Productive day at work. I had a task pop up that kept me racing/busy most of the day, which is exactly what I needed to make the day fly by.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Keep on the Sunny Side of Life

* A sunny and warm day! It was 70 degrees when I got off work and it was quite amazing. Is it really March?

* Getting packages in the mail. I got a pair of comfy slip on shoes and some video cables, but regardless of what arrives, it is fun to get packages.

* Having more packages to track. I really enjoy tracking packages. Maybe it is the anticipation of them arriving, or maybe it is my computer geekyness, but its fun.

* An all around good day. Work went well. After work went well. Nothing extra in particular to point out, but some days just feel better.

Nice Evening

* Sending out a semi-final format of something we've been working on
at work, indicating that this part of the project which I have been
primarily responsible for is nearing completion

* Relaxing evening

* Getting some reading/research done in the evening

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


* Time to think

* Being able to enjoy a lot of daylight again

* Meetings that make the day go faster at work

* Catching up with Tara

Daylight Saving

* Getting a chance to take care of some shopping after work.

* Long daylight after work

* Getting to bed on time to start to get back some missed sleep

Monday, March 10, 2008

Busy Sunday

* Being motivated to get up and go to church even though I hadn't
fallen asleep until 4:30am

* Positve Changes/Decisions

* Ultimate frisbee! We only played one game but it took a long time
and wore us all out completely

* Hanging around to chat after Ultimate and getting an answer I hoped
for when talking to Dave

* Playing Taboo at Starbucks with a fun group

Saturday, March 8, 2008


* Playing lots of games with a decent sized group of people for most of the day and into the evening at Kevin's

* Taking care of some errands in the morning so that I could make it on time to Kevin's

* 150th blog post! I'm impressed that I have managed to keep this up for 150 posts :) Here's to the next 150!

Friday, March 7, 2008


* The arrival of the weekend

* Jogging past some ducks that didn't seem to care that I was very close to them

* Rain

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Counting Blue Cars

* Meeting with Meredith from WEC to find out about the fundamental beliefs at WEC, and compare them to my own. I'm glad she was willing take the time to tell me about the church.

* Finding out I might not differ much from the church

* Finishing up the last major thing for a project at work. One short telecon and potentially a small discussions to go and I'll be back to 1 task.

-Note: Bonus point to anyone who notices what the title has to do with the entry...answer to come sometime, if nobody figures it out (which someone probably will, its not that hard)


* Getting to lounge around and just watch tv most of the evening

* Warm sunny weather

* Playing command & conquer displayed on the tv w/ surround sound

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

New TV!!!!!

* Getting my new TV!!!!! It is just amazing, and sure beats the small
one that I already had that couldn't really be seen from the couch! I
broke it in with some gunfire and explosions from the matrix, starting
with the lobby scene of course...a perfect choice. I am definitely
going to enjoy it and watch it for hours!

* Rain holding off until I could get my TV and bring it home. I was
worried it might decide to start raining and I wouldn't be able to get
the TV since it might get wet in transit.

* Strong walls and roof. The storm was large and very powerful,
accompanied by plenty of lightning (which prompted me to unplug the TV
so it wouldn't die!). The winds were increadibly loud and powerful,
but my apartment held together just fine, and for that I am grateful.

Monday, March 3, 2008


* Talking to people online

* Sunny and warm weather :)

* Not having as busy of a day at work as I had imagined I would.

* Taking the time to rate some of my songs and realizing I had more of them
that I like than I remembered

* Doing more research on TVs

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Excellent Sundays

* Going back to the same church I went to before and having a good time too.  The sermon was excellent and thought provoking and right along some things I had been thinking recently.


* Playing ultimate Frisbee.  The weather was perfect!  I got incredibly worn out and a few scrapes and bumps, but it was worth it.


* Hanging out at Starbucks with some nice people in the evening.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Productivity...once again

* Waking up early without an alarm, and feeling ready to productively tackle a whole day in which I had absolutely nothing planned.

* Getting organized, or at least part of the way. Previously when I cleaned, I put everything somewhere so that the floor area was clean and large surfaces were clear, but everything still looked messy. Therein lies the difference between clean and organized, so I began to tackle the organizational needs. Small boxes which have had no home since I moved in now have homes, and my unfiled mail from 2006-2007 (I already had previously done all 2008 mail to date) was either filed or trashed according to its importance. While it doesn't actually make the place look clean, it does look more organized...even the things that you can't see, but I know are there like files. I still have a lot to do, but that is for another day.

* Clean car windows and properly inflated tires, which I had been meaning to take care of for a couple weeks but always forgot to do. This is largely because I have a short memory span and tires can only be checked when cool, so there is a mandatory wait time after I drive, which is sufficient for me to forget.

* Feeling like I had a very productive day

* Catching up with Katherine again for a bit, and hearing that she is making progress!