Saturday, March 29, 2008


* A very entertaining set of phone calls from Ange! (with some input from the rest of the van headed to retreat)

* Finally having another meeting with our customer at work, and having him be happy with our work and ideas. We got a bit of a new direction but that is ok and we'll work through it

* Getting to work early. I needed to get up early and get into work early to get some stuff done that I hadn't done Thursday and I actually pulled it off. I really thought I'd probably sleep in and not get to work when I wanted to like usual, but I surprised myself and made it.

* Getting in a couple extra hours at work which I can use either next week or in May whenever I need them.

*Being told I could work 80 hours a week if I wanted to and then disappear for 2 months. I think my boss was at least partially joking but the thought of a 2 month vacation was an interesting one.

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