Monday, July 9, 2007

Fireworks, Fortune, Food, and Freeing

Over the past week:
*Fireworks.  Tara, Andrew, Zeke, and I went to see the fireworks at the George Bush Library.  We hung around outside waiting for them to start and it started to rain 30 min before the fireworks were supposed to start.  We were a long way from the truck so we took shelter and they began the fireworks as soon as they could instead of waiting.   The display was nice and we got back fairly dry (except Zeke since his legs are so short).
*Mini White House.  The George Bush Library was open free all day so we went and saw the Miniature White House which changes every time anything in the White House changes.  The detail was incredible and it was pretty cool to see.
*Hearing back from AMA with what sounds like they are trying to arrange an interview for me, as long as my references are OK.  Sounds like Dave (Kevin E's old boss) wants to hire me. :)
*Lounging around on a Saturday and getting as little done as possible.  I did go grocery shopping to get some supplies for a few meal ideas, so I had cooking on the brain, which is always pleasant.
*Cheesecake.  I was flipping through my cookbook to find a good recipe for anything, and as always was driven towards the dessert/cake/pie sections and stumbled on a recipe for marble cheesecake that looked fantastic so I decided to give it a shot.  I was right, its great. :)
*Getting a lot done with the experiment so that I could get the necessary plots to Jeremy for his paper.  I will probably just modify the plots slightly and use them as my results for my final report.  If this is the case, then I am done taking data!  Now I have 2 weeks (less a few days for an interview hopefully) to write it up and make a presentation.
*Not being stressed.  I don't know why, but I have a ton to worry about, yet I'm not.  Its a nice change

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What's this about cheesecake??!! Why haven't I had any??!!