Wednesday, July 18, 2007


*All flights on, or near on time on the way to Hampton, VA.
*Meeting up with Kevin Earle (and his wife) for the first time since his wedding right after we graduated.  We discussed AMA and some other things to catch up.
*Going to bed really early and sleeping really well the night before the interview
*Waking up 2 hours before my alarm, and then 1 hour before, and then again when it went off, well rested.
*Being ready for the interview early and heading over 30 min early.
*Quite pleasant interview.  I talked with 5 people in all, including the president of the company (who's cell number I now have too)  all of whom seemed to really like what I had to say, though they did most of the talking. 
*Discovering that the company president really knows my current advisor (Dr. Hurtado) and that one of the interviewers is currently a distance masters student under Dr. Schaub!  It really is a small world.
*Free lunch!
*Finding out my dinner the previous night was also free!
*Sitting in the same row as a kid (~7-9) who was on their first plane flight ever.  The amazement and awe of a child's first plane flight is always cool to see, especially on the 6th flight in 1.5 days.
*Having my laptop to keep me entertained during my many hour delay in Houston (and so I could type this here at IAH), and giving me the opportunity to start the thank-you for the interviews (though I wouldn't dare send it without rereading it when less tired)
*Having the last flight attendant flirt with me because I had moved all the way to the front for more legroom (the plane was sparse and I was assigned second row).  She kept messing up things, probably because it was later than she was supposed to be working, and she thought I noticed and got giggly/flustered which was amusing, so I laughed, which perpetuated it.  It made the 7th time hearing all the flight instructions interesting.
*Finally getting home


Anonymous said... did't tell me that the flight attendant flirted with you!! hehe. ;P

Anonymous said...

oh...and at least you noticed her flirting with you...unlike some other instances. ahem.