Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Lifted up (and away)

*Playing ultimate for the first time since November.  Even though it was windy, we still had a large turnout and played for 2.5 hours!  I was amazed at how much we could actually play in the wind.  One of the throws actually went way up in the air turned sharply, went 15-20 feet out of bounds and then turned around again and came all the way back into the endzone.  Someone almost caught it even though all the rest of us were way at the other end not moving after we saw it veer out.  All in all it really wore me out and I’m still sore, but it was worth it.


*Talking to Katherine for a while Sunday evening, venting back and forth about different things.  Even though we didn’t actually manage to catch up at all, I felt a lot better after a not so great day.  We’re both usually are too busy to chat, so it was really good that we got a chance.


*Revived hope to find a home church out there somewhere

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