Friday, February 22, 2008

Warm Drinks on a Cold Evening

* While I know I just mentioned hot chocolate 2 days ago, it is amazing how awesome it is, and how much warmer it can make you for a few hours afterward on a cold evening! It looks like it may be making a reappearance into my regular routine.

* After having run out of cereal (must go grocery shopping tomorrow!) I had breakfast cereal bars at work w/ hot apple cider from a mix! It was so good and hit the spot. It sure seems like I'm back to my warm drinks again :)

* Talking to Tara in the evening while she was driving to Plano to visit Alison.

*Getting in a few games of Command and Conquer

* No traffic on the way to work despite all the warnings and NASA emails were putting out about how horrible everything would be in the morning.

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