Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Productive Evening

* Getting the laundry taken care of and mostly put away

* Finished sorting/filing all the papers/mail that stacked up since

* Getting in a little bit of actual work done in the evening to be able to
round my work hours up meaning I will go less into the negative vacation
hours in May!

* Having a generally clean apartment and desk. A little more work and it
will be cleaner than ever. The desk is usually the stumbling block, but
with the papers sorted, it is better than normal

*Managing to update this on a fairly regular basis recently!


Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of you for updating two days in a row! And for cleaning, cause we all know how I feel about that! Lol.

Ange's Blog said...

I'll have to agree with Tara, two days in a row? Right on, brotha! ;)

Kevin said...

Haha, some of us can't count! 2 posts sunday, one monday, and one tuesday isn't exactly just 2 days in a row :-P