Friday, July 25, 2008


* Finding out in the middle of the day that the meeting I was worried
about running well past 5 was canceled. It is normally a 2:30-3:30
meeting that runs til 5 or 5:30, but was scheduled this time for 4-5
and I REALLY wanted to get off at 5, so I was very glad it got

* Going to Williamsburg to see Colonial Williamsburg, William & Mary,
and eat with Dasia, Lesley and Amy

* Light traffic on the way to Williamsburg despite the 1 nearly and 1
actual road closing accidents in the opposite direction.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Doing whatever I want

* Playing ultimate in the pouring rain. I pulled up to the field
expecting maybe 1 or 2 other crazy people to show up and everyone to
decide that the storm was too bad and go home, but instead we ended up
with 6 on 6 from 5:30 to 6:45! We were all absolutely soaked and the
wind would occasionally take the disc and do whatever it felt like,
but it was fun and gave us something to blame some really bad throws
on. It was one of those things that most people would have called us
crazy for (especially due to all the thunder), but like playing soccer
on the flooded drillfield at night in the cold, its one of those
things you just gotta let loose and do once in a while.

* Getting a chance to do something at work just because I felt like it
and not because I was overloaded or scraping for stuff to do. It was
the development of a "nifty" sort of feature for a little down the
road and wasn't critical but I really wanted to figure out how to do
it and didn't have anything else pressing at the time.

* Sleeping in til 7:50 and still making it to work by 8:30 without much rushing.

* Getting my computer back to the way I wanted it minus copying the
files over. It took some odd manipulating and some help from online
freeware developers, but it worked....hopefully nothing will crash on
it for a couple months!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Ultimate, Relief, and Old & New friends

* Playing ultimate again on Monday for the first time in a while. I
finally was able to run around while playing, and it makes a big
difference. I'm looking forward to playing today as well.

* Managing to get my computer back on the road to recovery after a
boot preventing error without losing much data (if any! we'll see in
a day or so how much was lost). Optimistically, its a hard drive
problem which I can cheaply upgrade to a newer better one and sort of
fix. It is currently in a semi-functioning state; good enough to get
my data off prior to reformatting and starting fresh.

* Going out to eat at a new place with Leslie, Dasia, and Amy while
they are all coincidentally in town. It was good to see both Dasia
and Leslie again and meet Amy. After dinner we went and hung out at a
local beach and it was like being back in my old grad office again in
more ways than one :)

Monday, July 21, 2008

Very Fun & Busy Weekend :)

* We get a free lunch out at work every time there is a new hire or
interview. After responding quickly to and email last week asking who
was going to lunch I got the following reply from my boss:


You are one hungry dude.

Dave C.

Oddly enough, it made my day.

* Going to Busch Gardens ALL DAY with Dasia on Saturday :) We had a
ton of fun and got to ride everything that doesn't spin in small
circles. We even saw 2 shows, one of which was really neat. I think
Dasia enjoyed it even more than I did since she had never been there,
and it was very cool to be able to take a visitor to BG.

* Seeing The Dark Knight on Sunday. The movie was really good and I
enjoyed it a lot, but I won't ruin it for anyone here.

* Hanging out with Dasia and watching Batman Begins on Friday in
preparation for The Dark Knight on Sunday.

* Having an all-around great weekend

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Dasia's in town!

* Dasia is in town! We started making some plans to do things like
Busch Gardens and movies and lunches/dinners for the next 2 weeks
while she's in town working on a project at Langley. It should be a
fun time. I'm glad I work somewhere that people I know might need to
visit periodically for school/work related tasks.

* Cheesecake provided by Claire at community group!! It was quite
good even if it was still frozen :-P. Claire also had an amazing
sense of humor about the whole thing which made it very amusing.

* Finally finding a way to get videos/movies onto my ipod so I can
watch them on planes in the future if I want.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Back to normal

* Getting to play ultimate on Saturday, or another form of a Frisbee game at
least. I hadn't really run around and played anything in weeks and it felt
good to get out and be mostly back to normal. I'm glad there seems to be no
lasting knee damage, and hopefully its all behind me now.

* Chillin in my apartment for most of the weekend

* Being excited about and looking forward to work this'll be a
busy one, but I have goals and know what I'm doing. Programming is like a
bunch of little thought puzzles to me, and its fun to tackle them

* Going out to eat lunch after church with a bunch of people at Three
Amigos. It was funny to hear Dillon try to speak Spanish to the waiter and
end up saying things like "Thank you please" or "yes" (the yes was in place
of thank you)

* God is bigger than me; God is with me; God is guiding me

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

On track

* Getting things taken care of at work to the point that I think everything
should fall into place right on time :)

* Making something for dinner that I really enjoy but had forgotten about
for a long time....chicken & cheese crescent rolls :)

* Getting caught up on my reading for community group

July 4

So I fell a bit behind, but not for a lack of positive events this past week!

* Making fresh bread on Saturday...I'm still enjoying the benefits of that one!

* Hanging out with Stew and Claire at their place for many hours on
July 4! It rained most of the evening and there was a lot of thunder
so we decided to not go to the fireworks (which they canceled anyway).
We hung out and played many hours of rock band. I can see why people
like those games, and I'm definitely looking forward to playing again.
We also grilled out and had more food than we could eat. :) It was
also fun to play with Roxy and Slater (aka Conehead). It helped to
fill the wanting a dog need for a while. I definitely like labs.

* Finding out I am going to a conference in August. I get to go to a
conference in Utah for a week right by the mountains. It will be cool
to be paid to have a week long trip and do very little actual work :)

* Finding out Tara got an interview for a teaching job she really
wants, and Katherine finally has a job completely lined up! Congrats
to both!

* Waking up early Sunday morning truly motivated to go help out with
Kid Kraze. I realized how much I used to dread getting up in the
morning to make it to an 11am service, and how eager I was to get up
in time for the run-through at 8am every single time I do tech.

* Remembering to listen to Stu's sermon on Monday since I was serving on Sunday.

* Being motivated to start learning Spanish again. I have no idea how
long that motivation will hold up, but it feels good to have a
productive hobby.

* Many many many laughs at Community Group, and a few determined
fellow members prodding me about some things.

I know there are many many more that popped up in my head throughout
the week that I have not listed here.