Monday, July 21, 2008

Very Fun & Busy Weekend :)

* We get a free lunch out at work every time there is a new hire or
interview. After responding quickly to and email last week asking who
was going to lunch I got the following reply from my boss:


You are one hungry dude.

Dave C.

Oddly enough, it made my day.

* Going to Busch Gardens ALL DAY with Dasia on Saturday :) We had a
ton of fun and got to ride everything that doesn't spin in small
circles. We even saw 2 shows, one of which was really neat. I think
Dasia enjoyed it even more than I did since she had never been there,
and it was very cool to be able to take a visitor to BG.

* Seeing The Dark Knight on Sunday. The movie was really good and I
enjoyed it a lot, but I won't ruin it for anyone here.

* Hanging out with Dasia and watching Batman Begins on Friday in
preparation for The Dark Knight on Sunday.

* Having an all-around great weekend

1 comment:

Tara said...

You would be one of the fist people to respond about food...especially free food!! Haha.

Also glad you had fun hanging out with Dasia and seeing Batman. I'm sure you were glad to have an old friend around again!