Wednesday, July 9, 2008

July 4

So I fell a bit behind, but not for a lack of positive events this past week!

* Making fresh bread on Saturday...I'm still enjoying the benefits of that one!

* Hanging out with Stew and Claire at their place for many hours on
July 4! It rained most of the evening and there was a lot of thunder
so we decided to not go to the fireworks (which they canceled anyway).
We hung out and played many hours of rock band. I can see why people
like those games, and I'm definitely looking forward to playing again.
We also grilled out and had more food than we could eat. :) It was
also fun to play with Roxy and Slater (aka Conehead). It helped to
fill the wanting a dog need for a while. I definitely like labs.

* Finding out I am going to a conference in August. I get to go to a
conference in Utah for a week right by the mountains. It will be cool
to be paid to have a week long trip and do very little actual work :)

* Finding out Tara got an interview for a teaching job she really
wants, and Katherine finally has a job completely lined up! Congrats
to both!

* Waking up early Sunday morning truly motivated to go help out with
Kid Kraze. I realized how much I used to dread getting up in the
morning to make it to an 11am service, and how eager I was to get up
in time for the run-through at 8am every single time I do tech.

* Remembering to listen to Stu's sermon on Monday since I was serving on Sunday.

* Being motivated to start learning Spanish again. I have no idea how
long that motivation will hold up, but it feels good to have a
productive hobby.

* Many many many laughs at Community Group, and a few determined
fellow members prodding me about some things.

I know there are many many more that popped up in my head throughout
the week that I have not listed here.

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