Saturday, July 28, 2007

Apartment selection

*Selecting a moving company.  I will be going with Mayflower and things are arranged, so I now have one less big thing to worry about.
*Starting and completing the apartment hunt in less than 24 hours.  After making 10's of phone calls to apartment complexes for availability and other information, I selected one, and checked with Kevin to make sure it was in a good area, and it was.  I mailed off the application and deposit and faxed them a copy as well to get the apartment held.  They called me later in the afternoon to let me know that my credit check had gone through, etc, and that they were going to mail me a welcome packet!  I am now all set to go.
*Being able to stay with friends.  I don't know exactly where I will be staying for my homeless days in College Station, but I can stay with either Tara (except the weekend when her parents come) or Andrew, so I'm not worried about it.
*Relaxing on a Friday evening and catching a new episode of Psych.  It is one of my favorite shows and I didn't think that there was going to be an episode on until it started to come on.  I guess that is because I didn't think it was Friday, but it was.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You need to update! Course I can't really talk. And I already miss you!!!!!