Sunday, February 24, 2008

Waters Edge

* Going to a new church (Waters Edge) and having a good time.  It was very odd to walk into a church I have never been to before but know that someone there would know me (co-worker).  I walked in looking for them and scanning the crowd and completely missed one of the other people I know walking up to me until they asked if I had found my co-worker yet, then led me to him.  The service was nice and the attendees are much younger than most churches which is a definite plus for me.  It was nice to see some people I recognize from Ultimate and feel welcome.


* Ultimate Frisbee for a couple hours in the afternoon.  Unlike previous weeks it was not raining or windy, however it was a little cool which turned out to be quite nice when running around as much as we do.  The teams may not always come out even (quite often they do not since some people haven’t seemed to figure out who not to group on a team), but we had a lot of fun anyway and I came away sore as always.  I guess the soreness is a reminder to me for the next couple days of the fun had playing Ultimate.


* Hanging out with some people from the church I went to in the evening at Starbucks.  We played taboo until they kicked us out due to their new earlier closing time.  It was a lot of fun and it seems like I am getting to know some of the people in this town.  There were about 12 people there, and 3 of them were Ultimate players, and a few more I had met this morning.  If only I were better with names!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay for getting to know people! But we do really need to work on your name memory...since it's lacking a lot! Lol.