Friday, April 27, 2007

Enthusiasm builds

*Announcing Park Day at Aggie Supper and getting approximately 13 people who said they would be there.  Its exciting to have an idea to get everyone out and having fun playing Ultimate and to see people actually come along and join in. It is going to be a lot of fun and I continue to look forward to it.  Its nice to see other people as interested in it as I am.
*Waking up and feeling refreshed.  I didn't get 8 hours of sleep but for some reason that didn't matter.
*Getting a large amount of my coding done and realizing it isn't as difficult as it seems, I just really needed to apply myself to it and stop worrying about it.  James agreed to put off my CDR (Critical Design Review) for another day, though I'm sure he'll move it until at least Monday.  I'll be quite excited when I see my whole experiment work, and I can feel it getting closer each day.

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