Monday, April 23, 2007

Looking Ahead

*Going to church.  This sounds like something that just happens on a weekly basis for a lot of people and wouldn't get entered into the positives a plenty list for most people, but I must say that this week was positive and I enjoyed being there.  I guess part of it for me is not feeling the pressure to go, and just wanting to go myself...Nobody looking over my shoulder and commenting regardless of whether I go.  This week, as usual somehow, the prayers seemed perfect for what I was thinking.  I wonder how that happens so often.
*Getting some of the fluff done for one of my projects without even having my notebook with me.  The mathematics which I have left never takes as long as the plot formation and saving which I completed.  Knowing that I knocked a little of my to-do list/book makes it easier to rest and sleep.
*Thinking about next weekend's UCM park day.  Oddly enough this event was not planned today nor happened today, but its still exciting to think about.  I'm glad I helped plan it.  I think it will be a lot of fun to spend an afternoon with friends playing Ultimate.  Sometimes just pausing from the daily activity to look ahead at something in the near future that we know will be fun is exactly what we need to lift up the whole day.

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