Friday, June 8, 2007

Free Rootbeer Floats

*Free floats and birds.  It had been so long since I went to freebirds that when I was really hungry and drove past one, I had to stop.  It was as good as ever :)  Then later in the evening Sonic was doing free rootbeer float night so I got there right before it started and got an outside table and they kept bringing everyone free floats.  I love floats and to get a couple free was really awesome.  We hung out and drank as many floats as each person wanted and then headed out.
*Nature.  Twice I stopped just amazed at nature in general.  The first time was just walking across campus in the wind, and the second was on my way to Sonic on the walking trail by the woods.  It is nice to stop and see some of the details that you don't normally notice just walking along.  There is a lot of power in making sustainable strong winds over a large area...where does it all come from/go?
*Sleeping in.  I decided to sleep in a little before going to work since I could.  Its a nice feeling to wake up later than normal and helps put my day in a better mood sometimes.

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