Monday, June 4, 2007

Smell B' Gone

*Going to Covenant Pres and seeing people getting excited about VBS (Bible School).  The theme this year is Special Agents and they did a cool skit to promote VBS which starts next Sunday.  I had been gone for a few weeks for a variety of reasons, but it did not take long for Nissa to find me and "convince" me to sign up to help.  Rec was all filled since this is the week before it starts, so I signed up to help with registration since I couldn't find the kitchen/cooking help form and I didn't feel confident enough to sign up for the lead position for 3rd-4th grade (all helping spots were taken).  It should be a good time :)
*Getting rid of the smell in my apartment.  I think the smell is gone, but its hard to tell since I've been in it so much, but I had the windows open and a fan in the window all day (even though the high was 91) and it didn't even actually feel that hot in here.  I think feeling hot is all mental and if you know you'll be in a condition and it doesn't change rapidly, along with staying out of the sun, it really isn't that bad.  I think this mentality came from living in VA with no A/C for 2 years when it would reach the mid/upper 80s consistently.  I'm glad I learned to cope with it because it comes in handy and now my apartment doesn't smell as bad
*Cooking a good dinner.  I again made a multi item dinner which actually went together and was balanced in food groups and felt like something I'd get at home.  I appreciated every bite!

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