Sunday, June 24, 2007

Zeke and Tennis

*Lots and Lots of Mario Tennis. I hadn't played before Friday but its a fun game and Andrew and I have spent many fun filled hours late into the night playing Mario Tennis the last couple nights. Its been fun to hang out and take turns playing and playing with Zeke while its not my turn. The game is too intense at times to keep playing constantly.
*Zeke (Andrew's 12 week old dog) is learning to be potty trained and is doing much better. He's also beginning to learn how to not bite hard and when he's allowed to playful bite and when he can't.
*Cheese Fries. We went to cheddars and I wasn't too hungry so I only had cheese fries. They were so good that I ate a ton of them. It was incredibly unhealthy but so tasty....cheese, bacon, fries, ranch!

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