Monday, May 21, 2007

Alone time

*Staying up until 2am just to finish my book because it was just that good and I felt like I was so close at 11pm (even though I knew it would be 2am-ish)
*Lounging around by myself.  Jeremy came home from Julie's wedding and did some laundry and left for Houston until an unknown day.  He may be gone through part of Monday, or all the way through Thursday.  Until then, I get the apartment to myself.  Aside from the little time Jeremy was home, and some very short IM conversations, I didn't see or interact with anybody, which is enjoyable occasionally.
*Being grateful that the headache that woke me up early in the morning went mostly away by 11 and stayed mostly away all day...its an unusual occurrence for one I have when I wake up to stay away most of the day.
*Making final plans with Katherine to meet her just inside NC for lunch on Friday!!!  Its going to be awesome to see her again after 2 years!  She will be the third person I've seen from VT since I graduated.
*Looking forward to flying home Wednesday!  I love to fly, which is a good thing considering driving home would waste days.

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