Monday, May 7, 2007

Nearing The End

*Finishing the last part of my last project for Advanced D&C.  This marks the end of classes for the semester.  I am now done with everything except my research project for my Masters!  Its so close!
*Going to UCM study hall.  Even though I only had a little work to do, I went out to the UCM study hall.  I probably distracted people more than I should have, but people got work done while we chatted a bit.  I didn't disturb the quiet rooms, only the people in the lobby.
*Seeing another happy face when distributing pictures of ski trip and spring retreat.  I still need to make more cds so I look forward to giving those out as well.
*Learning to solder much better and more quickly than ever before.  It is actually kind of fun and I think I can complete that part of my experiment quickly now.

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