Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Rice Crispies Treats

*Rice Crispies Treats!  I finished off the last of my cheesecake waiting for my dinner to be ready so I went ahead and made Rice Crispies Treats.  I haven't made or had homemade ones in forever and they are awesome!  They were much easier than I remembered, but then again that's probably why little kids help make them so much.  They're quite yummy in a very different way than the cheesecake was.  If anyone wants any come get some!  I'll probably take some to the office tomorrow to share.
*Watching Crocodile Dundee at Andrew's and just chatting.
*James gave me a couple more circuit parts out of his supply that I had overlooked in my original design.  He's really been helping me out a lot with this project.

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