Thursday, May 3, 2007

Free Food!

*Free Lunch! The aircraft design classes had their critical design reviews today and there was, as always, a lot of food left over. The grad students are always the first to descend onto the free food and it was quite good.

*Free Dinner! My SEI team had won the poster competition and we got a large gift certificate to Chilis so we went to dinner today for our meeting. I got something other than water which I almost never do, and a dessert which is even more rare. It was a really really nice treat.

*Inspiring someone else to start a blog with positives

*Thunderstorm!! I absolutely love thunderstorms. I even stood outside in the rain for a bit and watched the lightning, its so soothing to be inside (or outside on your own accord) during a thunderstorm

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yesss...might want to stay inside druing a thunderstorm, especially since most around here are accompanied by lightening!