Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Part III - Christmas Day

* Opening all of my Christmas presents in the morning/afternoon. It took us over 3 hours and there were only 3 of us! We did fiddle with things in the middle, so its understandable. I love the stuff I got, from the fuzzy pj pants to the game controller

* Finishing my "Labrador Retrievers for Dummies" book. It was a great read and I learned a ton of new stuff. I'm extremely ready to get a dog! Then comes the hard part of picking a name

* Relaxing, having fun, and eating turkey!

* Getting ready to travel to Pittsburgh. The weather looks good and we're set to go. As a side note, this means that this will be my last blog post for just over a week, but rest assured that there will be plenty of positive things happening in the mean time, most of which I will probably forget by the time I try to post them.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Part II

* Brian and Crystal were over most of the day yesterday (Christmas Eve) and we exchanged gifts in the middle of the day. They got me (among some other stuff) a book entitled "Labrador Retrievers for Dummies" which I am now more than halfway through already. I finally got to the training part, but have completed the choosing, grooming, feeding, and caring parts. I can't wait til I get a dog! After all, to quote the book : "The yellow lab puppy is, quite possibly, the cutest dog in the world."* Going to my parent's church for Christmas Eve

* Playing board game with my Mom

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Vacation Begins

* A safe drive from VA to SC where I will be for a few days before heading to Pittsburgh. The drive actually went faster due to a work telecon that I listened to for 3 hours on the trip. The bonus to that is that I didn't have to use vacation time while I was on the telecon.

* A fun Christmas party for community group, complete with too much food, white elephant gift exchange, and games

* A quite fun and entertaining Christmas party at Angela's

* Winning the tacky sweater competition at Angela's party

* Meeting new people, even if I didn't really remember any of their names by the time I got home.

* No more work for a while!

* Seeing most of my fam again

* Seeing TONS of presents under the tree...actually, most of them don't fit under the tree. (pictures to come in future posts)

* Way too many other things I've come up with in the past few days too list them all

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Satisfied Cravings

* Getting free pizza at our AMA bi-monthly "brownbag" meeting! I had been craving pizza for quite a while. So much so that I made pizza last night for dinner knowing we were having pizza for lunch :) Good stuff. This is the most attended brownbag...because:

* Annual end of the year bonuses were handed out after the brownbag. Yay! "Kevin's House Fund" is happy too.

* Finally satisfying a craving I've been having for some form of fruit or fruit juice for about 4-5 days now by going to Kroger to get juice. Tasty! (craving 2 satisfied today for those counting)

* Running into Carlyn and Jamey briefly at Kroger. I've never actually seen someone I know there before.

* I finally went to convert all of my coins to an gift cert using one of the coinstar machines at Kroger and it got stuck. It didn't seem like the people working there were going to figure out how to get it open, but they finally did and got it unstuck. They were working on it the entire time Carlyn and Jamey were in the store (I saw them enter, then leave). For those of you who aren't aware, the Coinstar machines don't charge a fee if you get an eCertificate to a participating place like or Circuit City.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

My Christmas Tree :)

Charlie Brown would be proud


* Getting my cleaning done while cooking so I could actually relax during my evening relaxation time instead of feeling guilty!

* Playing the new guitar hero after community group and not totally sucking at it in the process.  I haven't played in a while and there are new songs (some of which I actually know!).  "Irregardless" of what some people may say, knowing the song makes it way way easier.

* Going to the "holiday" lunch for the directorate.  The food was good and it was nice to take a break from work and just chat with co-workers my age, even if I didn't win any raffle prizes.

--Tomorrow is one of my favorite days of the year...stay tuned to find out why

Sunday, December 14, 2008


* Hanging out at Starbucks

* Hearing the kids singing really really loud during Kid Kraze this morning

* Getting a bit of cleaning done

* Playing a Twisted Sister song during was "O Come All Ye Faithful" to the tune of "We're Not Gunna Take It!"

Friday, December 12, 2008

Good Mood

* More The Big Bang Theory this evening and yesterday. I always end up laughing even after the show is over.

* Keeping busy at work and actually wanting to stay late to work on something, but I managed to leave anyway. If I do it all myself, my co-worker will miss out! I know...I'm a nerd, but at least the big bang theory makes me feel normal, although I usually understand a lot of what they say....

* Andrew's graduation part I, even though I'm not there to see it

* Being in a good mood all week. Actually, I think I've been in an unusually good mood for 3 or so weeks now....odd, but good

* Biscuits, sausage gravy, and bacon for dinner :) Unhealthy but tasty.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The big bang theory

* At some point a couple weeks ago I decided to watch "The Big Bang Theory" after a number of people recommended it. I saw one episode and figured I'd record more and just recently got the opportunity to watch them, and I absolutely love it. I downloaded season 1 after I ran out of episodes, and each one is awesome! I highly recommend it to everyone!
"Our children will be smart and beautiful"
"Not to mention imaginary."

* Being able to joke around with co-workers

* Getting a bunch of Nintendo games put on my computer so I can play them on my tv. I've got a controller on my Christmas list that will let me play all NES through N64 games just like having the real systems. (Though, it will be like using an N64 controller for NES and sega). I'm not quite sure how gameboy tetris will look like on a 40" screen... I will be getting a bunch of other system games from a co-worker over the next couple weeks, 2GB at a time.

Friday, December 5, 2008


* A safe drive to and from my Grandma's house in southern OH. Even
though it was dark, rainy, and very foggy the entire 8.5 hr drive
back, the trip was still safe and relatively major delays
or slowdowns.

* Eating until I could eat no more on Thanksgiving....twice. And
again the next day, and the next.

* Getting a bunch of useful Christmas presents from my Grandma. :)

* Getting an old Christmas tree from my Grandma. Its not very dense,
but it is a big improvement over no tree and much cheaper then getting
one myself.

* Decorating the apartment a bit for Christmas. I still have a few
lights to put on the balcony, but the inside is about as decorated as
it is going to be.

* Almost 1/3 of the way between Thanksgiving and Christmas vacations

* Going to a potluck at work. There was a ton of food and we got to
just hang around and eat for bout an hour and a half.

* Successfully (at least I think so!) leading Community Group

* Making a pot roast myself. It turned out to be easier than I expected.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thanksgiving vacation begins

* The start of thanksgiving vacation :) I'm all ready to go, just need a little sleep

* A wonderful evening at CG including a Thanksgiving dinner and much more!

* Getting everything done at work that I needed to get done, and then some.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


* I hardly ever win anything. In fact I can't really think of a time when I've won something in the last few years, but today at the evening service I won a Waters Edge travel mug! I should have gotten one a while ago from a volunteer appreciation thing, but I was stuck at work and missed it. I had to toss a bean bag through a hole in a slanted board (the game bago) from about 20 feet away. Last time I tried, I hit the chair in front of me and the bag made it about 3 feet before hitting the ground. This time I did it overhand and half the bag went straight through the hole, and the other half hit the edge and it fell in! Almost a perfect shot, especially considering the board is supposed to help you slide it in...bah! who needs help! I really didn't expect to win one, and I was really really surprised when I did. To make things better, Dave won one too, and was in the same situation I was in. (supposed to get one but didn't and have been trying to get one for a month or so)

* One of my favorite songs played in church today which I refer to as "Glory to God" but I don't know its real name

* After cleaning my car windows and properly inflating my car tires (it got cold since I did it last), my car is almost ready for my drive to OH, just needs some more gas and I'm good to go!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

A touch of life

* After talking to tara about hard to kill houseplants the other day I finally made it out to buy a couple of plants to help bring a touch of life to my apartment. They are right up my alley...they require low indirect light, and can take the low 60s I keep my apartment at when I'm gone. If you can't tell why I picked out the pots I did, you don't know me well enough yet and should definitely ask me why! Here's what they look like (note: all flowering plants I saw require bright direct sunlight, so no flowers for me!)

* Taking care of a bunch of things I've been meaning to do, making it an all around productive Saturday.

* Only 2 more days of work before vacation.

* Putting all my mute math songs (recommended by Bryan!) on my ipod finally for use in Kid Kraze tomorrow.

* Feeling energized (no clue why, but I'm not complaining!)

* Hot chocolate

* Watching lots o tv without feeling obligated or sucked into it, just more of a background or small bits thing.

* Getting off work before 5 yesterday, ending a very very busy week (my boss was surprised I was still there at 3pm since I had far earlier hit 40 hrs)

* Snow in the morning (yesterday)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Whew!....That was a close one

* Managing to recover my crashed computer with hopefully no negative effects!! I thought for sure that I had lost all my files since my last backup when I got a BSOD and windows would no longer boot, but after somehow installing a second copy of windows on the same drive (didn't know you could actually do that...) I was able to access all my old files and back them up. In the process of trying to wipe it and start over I discovered that I was actually able to boot into my old/real windows install! A few quick google searches fixed the problem of having a whole extra unnecessary copy of windows and my broken dell restore boot, so I think I'm right back where I was before the whole problem.

* Chatting w/ co-workers and my boss during another epic telecon....epic (11am to ~8pm...I left at 5:30, but if its like the one last week it will be going til at least 8) My boss was slightly envious of my simple PB&J that was easy to get/eat during the telecon

* Taking care of some much needed grocry shopping so that I could eat breakfast again and help keep myself from being really hungry/tired during work.

* Eating breakfast again!

Sunday, November 16, 2008


* The fall colors

* Getting out and getting my not so needed shopping done

* Chillin on a Saturday

* Highs in the 70s, after a few cooler days

* Ultimate! Even though I thought it would be canceled (and we had called it off) we ended up doing it anyway.

* Discussing Thanksgiving plans! I love this holiday...maybe its just for the food an fam, but its pretty awesome!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Catchin Z's

* Sleeping in til 8! Just because I felt like it

* Talking to my parents on the phone

* Feeling productive at work and at home

* Speaking positively most of the day (something I'm working on)

* Remembering to update this 2 days in a row

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

God Day

* Finding out that David & Angela got engaged yesterday!! It is extremely awesome and I am very excited for them! They definitely make a great couple and I wish them all the best!

* Getting a relaxing evening where I did not feel like watching tv, playing games, or surfing the net aimlessly, which quickly led me to start the book "Velvet Elvis" which is pretty good and thought provoking. I haven't gotten too far but I recommend it to anyone, as it was recommended to me highly by a number of people. has nothing to do with Elvis or Velvet. Also, the title of this post was not a typo (no missing "o")

* Getting an answer to a question I had been pondering for community group which I thought I wouldn't come up with a real answer for. Sometimes it hits you!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Kneeboarding and Computer Parts

* Getting to kneeboard behind Stew & Claire's new jetski!! It was a lot of fun and has left me quite sore, and I am looking forward to doing it again :)

* Playing ultimate with 7 people between church and kneeboarding, including 2 new people who enjoyed it! I hadn't played in at least a month

* Finishing up day 1 of my short 3 day work week

* Finally deciding on and ordering new parts to massively upgrade my old desktop. I haven't ever built a computer from scratch before, and this will be pretty much from scratch...hopefully keeping the case and power supply and replacing the rest. I'm on my way to making my own DVR :) Yes Tara, I'm a nerd

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Big recognition for a job well done :)

* Finishing up something at work that I thought would take a couple weeks in only 3 days!!

* Getting congratulated a lot by my boss during our weekly team meetings for getting as much done as I did! He even went on about putting it on my yearly performance review! Awesome. We weren't even in a time crunch. Not only was he commenting on my learning a new language and porting a program over, he also realized how much I'd been helping one of the other groups with their code/logic.

* A cooler morning and evening

* Seeing at least 6 people signed up for ultimate on might really happen this time :)

Monday, September 8, 2008

Upcoming fun

* Getting out and riding my bike

* Chatting at starbucks about anything and everything, geeky and
non-geeky until midnight (yes, they close at 10pm)

* Finding out that Claire & Stew got a big jetski and that we may go
out and use it this weekend somewhere :)

* Hearing that my parents will be in town the latter half of next week!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Wimpy Storm Hanna

* Watching tropical storm Hanna go by with no damage. The storm turned out to be pretty weak in the end, so I had no damage to my stuff :)

* Sleeping in

* Talking to my mom on the phone and finding out they are tentatively coming up for camping in mid Sept.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Helping Hands

* Taking dinner to Robby & Suzanne since they have plenty else to worry
about with the arrival of their new daughter!

* Getting to work on some other people's "Matlab puzzles" as I like to call

* Starting to learn a new programming language (C#) and actually making
quite a bit of progress.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Easing into the work week

* Getting my grocery shopping done


* Getting to decide what I want to do next at work since there isn’t a lot that has to be done right now.  A relaxing start to a slow (in a good way) work week


* Chatting with people online


* Getting bike advice from my boss


* Not having things pile up after a 3 day weekend

Busy weekend...Busch Gardens Twice :)

* Going to Busch Gardens and dinner w/ Adam on Friday after leaving
early from work. That's 3 positives in one.

* Chilling on Saturday

* Getting to participate as Event Staff for the WEC groundbreaking
ceremony during which 75 people got baptized! There were
approximately 800+ people present for the single ceremony, and the
whole thing seemed to go really well :)

* Government holidays :) I love getting a 3 day weekend

* Getting my lazy self out of bed early enough on Monday to get an 8
mile bike ride in before it got too warm. I had been intending to do
it for a while, and was still willing to put it off another few days
when I first woke up, but something made me get up anyway...unusual,
but I think I know what it was

* Busch Gardens on Monday afternoon with Bill, Heidi and their ~6mo
old daughter Olivia. We rode a bunch of the rides and chatted a lot
in the process. It was a lot of fun and spontaneous on my end since I
got a message from them right after I got back from my ride.

* A fun, relaxing community group. I even hung around afterward to
chat and ended up staying until 11pm! Thats really late for me but it
was very good and something I had been wanting to do for a while.

* Being reminded that I need to keep up with this blog a bit more! I
truly have been too lazy about it recently.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Smallsat Conference, Logan Utah!

I spent last week in Logan Utah at the Smallsat conference, my first full major conference...and it was a lot of fun. Besides all the free food and learning what is currently going on in the business of small satellites, I got to go to a state I had never been to, and go hiking in the mountains! We hiked 4 miles in and 4 miles out, up 1200 feet and back down. It was very hot with little shade. Here are some pictures from the conference and hike:

The conference building:

The view from outside the conference building:The hike:

Looking back at where we came from (twice)
Water! Cold Water!

Friday, July 25, 2008


* Finding out in the middle of the day that the meeting I was worried
about running well past 5 was canceled. It is normally a 2:30-3:30
meeting that runs til 5 or 5:30, but was scheduled this time for 4-5
and I REALLY wanted to get off at 5, so I was very glad it got

* Going to Williamsburg to see Colonial Williamsburg, William & Mary,
and eat with Dasia, Lesley and Amy

* Light traffic on the way to Williamsburg despite the 1 nearly and 1
actual road closing accidents in the opposite direction.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Doing whatever I want

* Playing ultimate in the pouring rain. I pulled up to the field
expecting maybe 1 or 2 other crazy people to show up and everyone to
decide that the storm was too bad and go home, but instead we ended up
with 6 on 6 from 5:30 to 6:45! We were all absolutely soaked and the
wind would occasionally take the disc and do whatever it felt like,
but it was fun and gave us something to blame some really bad throws
on. It was one of those things that most people would have called us
crazy for (especially due to all the thunder), but like playing soccer
on the flooded drillfield at night in the cold, its one of those
things you just gotta let loose and do once in a while.

* Getting a chance to do something at work just because I felt like it
and not because I was overloaded or scraping for stuff to do. It was
the development of a "nifty" sort of feature for a little down the
road and wasn't critical but I really wanted to figure out how to do
it and didn't have anything else pressing at the time.

* Sleeping in til 7:50 and still making it to work by 8:30 without much rushing.

* Getting my computer back to the way I wanted it minus copying the
files over. It took some odd manipulating and some help from online
freeware developers, but it worked....hopefully nothing will crash on
it for a couple months!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Ultimate, Relief, and Old & New friends

* Playing ultimate again on Monday for the first time in a while. I
finally was able to run around while playing, and it makes a big
difference. I'm looking forward to playing today as well.

* Managing to get my computer back on the road to recovery after a
boot preventing error without losing much data (if any! we'll see in
a day or so how much was lost). Optimistically, its a hard drive
problem which I can cheaply upgrade to a newer better one and sort of
fix. It is currently in a semi-functioning state; good enough to get
my data off prior to reformatting and starting fresh.

* Going out to eat at a new place with Leslie, Dasia, and Amy while
they are all coincidentally in town. It was good to see both Dasia
and Leslie again and meet Amy. After dinner we went and hung out at a
local beach and it was like being back in my old grad office again in
more ways than one :)

Monday, July 21, 2008

Very Fun & Busy Weekend :)

* We get a free lunch out at work every time there is a new hire or
interview. After responding quickly to and email last week asking who
was going to lunch I got the following reply from my boss:


You are one hungry dude.

Dave C.

Oddly enough, it made my day.

* Going to Busch Gardens ALL DAY with Dasia on Saturday :) We had a
ton of fun and got to ride everything that doesn't spin in small
circles. We even saw 2 shows, one of which was really neat. I think
Dasia enjoyed it even more than I did since she had never been there,
and it was very cool to be able to take a visitor to BG.

* Seeing The Dark Knight on Sunday. The movie was really good and I
enjoyed it a lot, but I won't ruin it for anyone here.

* Hanging out with Dasia and watching Batman Begins on Friday in
preparation for The Dark Knight on Sunday.

* Having an all-around great weekend

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Dasia's in town!

* Dasia is in town! We started making some plans to do things like
Busch Gardens and movies and lunches/dinners for the next 2 weeks
while she's in town working on a project at Langley. It should be a
fun time. I'm glad I work somewhere that people I know might need to
visit periodically for school/work related tasks.

* Cheesecake provided by Claire at community group!! It was quite
good even if it was still frozen :-P. Claire also had an amazing
sense of humor about the whole thing which made it very amusing.

* Finally finding a way to get videos/movies onto my ipod so I can
watch them on planes in the future if I want.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Back to normal

* Getting to play ultimate on Saturday, or another form of a Frisbee game at
least. I hadn't really run around and played anything in weeks and it felt
good to get out and be mostly back to normal. I'm glad there seems to be no
lasting knee damage, and hopefully its all behind me now.

* Chillin in my apartment for most of the weekend

* Being excited about and looking forward to work this'll be a
busy one, but I have goals and know what I'm doing. Programming is like a
bunch of little thought puzzles to me, and its fun to tackle them

* Going out to eat lunch after church with a bunch of people at Three
Amigos. It was funny to hear Dillon try to speak Spanish to the waiter and
end up saying things like "Thank you please" or "yes" (the yes was in place
of thank you)

* God is bigger than me; God is with me; God is guiding me

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

On track

* Getting things taken care of at work to the point that I think everything
should fall into place right on time :)

* Making something for dinner that I really enjoy but had forgotten about
for a long time....chicken & cheese crescent rolls :)

* Getting caught up on my reading for community group

July 4

So I fell a bit behind, but not for a lack of positive events this past week!

* Making fresh bread on Saturday...I'm still enjoying the benefits of that one!

* Hanging out with Stew and Claire at their place for many hours on
July 4! It rained most of the evening and there was a lot of thunder
so we decided to not go to the fireworks (which they canceled anyway).
We hung out and played many hours of rock band. I can see why people
like those games, and I'm definitely looking forward to playing again.
We also grilled out and had more food than we could eat. :) It was
also fun to play with Roxy and Slater (aka Conehead). It helped to
fill the wanting a dog need for a while. I definitely like labs.

* Finding out I am going to a conference in August. I get to go to a
conference in Utah for a week right by the mountains. It will be cool
to be paid to have a week long trip and do very little actual work :)

* Finding out Tara got an interview for a teaching job she really
wants, and Katherine finally has a job completely lined up! Congrats
to both!

* Waking up early Sunday morning truly motivated to go help out with
Kid Kraze. I realized how much I used to dread getting up in the
morning to make it to an 11am service, and how eager I was to get up
in time for the run-through at 8am every single time I do tech.

* Remembering to listen to Stu's sermon on Monday since I was serving on Sunday.

* Being motivated to start learning Spanish again. I have no idea how
long that motivation will hold up, but it feels good to have a
productive hobby.

* Many many many laughs at Community Group, and a few determined
fellow members prodding me about some things.

I know there are many many more that popped up in my head throughout
the week that I have not listed here.

Monday, June 30, 2008


* A demo of our software development that went really well at work

* Getting in a little overtime without feeling like I was working over

* A fun relaxing, celebrating community group

Recovery Weekend

* Sitting on the couch all day long Saturday watching movies and TV shows

* Watching the final Euro 2008 game Sunday afternoon. Congrats Spain!
It was an awesome game to watch.

* Going to a free concert Friday in City Center with Stew, Clair,
Clair's sister, Bill, and Heidi.

* Getting Gillato after the concert.

Friday, June 27, 2008

All work and no day/play makes you not like a duck

* Leaving work late and seeing that it was still perfectly daylight
out, even at 7:20pm. It also helped to remember the number of days
that I left right at 5 and it was already dark in the winter. Evening
daylight is quite nice :)

* Watching 6-8 ducks play in a sprinkler in front of my apartment.
They kept taking turns running up to it and jumping and sticking their
heads in the spray from the sprinkler. They were far more entertained
than normal, and way more than I would have expected, especially with
a lake not more than 20 feet away.

* Setting up a repeating donation for Campus Crusade for my cousin.
If you have to ask why this would be a positive, you should give it a
try...just pick your favorite charity/church and see how you end up
feeling (its me!). Doing it is the only way to really

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Hump Day

* Getting to play a little ultimate even if it meant walking around
the whole time

* Finding out my softball team won! (I couldn't play)

* Relaxing and eating sloppy joes in the evening :)

* Getting in an extra hour at work without it feeling like I the day
was dragging on

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Coincidence? I think not

* We had 2 tech people working together in Kid Kraze for the first
time in a really long time (as long as I've been helping). It was
helping things move a bit more smoothly since it really is a lot for
one person to do unless they're really used to it. The other tech guy
got a growing headache during the first service, and felt really sick
by the end of it and needed to go home. It was extremely fortunate
that there were 2 of us so I could take over and do the second
service. Coincidence?? Doubtful...

* Seeing 2 small fawn with some older deer by the road on my way out
of the office

* A fun night at community group. I even got to start off with one
round of rock band (I think that's what it was)

* My first night with nothing else planned in well over a week
yesterday evening. It was great to just lay around

* Juicy steak and fries :) :)

Monday, June 23, 2008

Fun Active Weekend

* Going to Busch Gardens with Adam Friday. I got to work early so I
could leave early and meet Adam up at Busch Gardens. We rode
everything we wanted to and then headed up to Richmond to spend the
night at his parents house.

* Kayaking!! This was my first time kayaking and the weather
cooperated very well. We rode out for about an hour and stopped to
eat lunch in some shade, then headed back while exploring a tributary.
It was a lot of fun and I definitely hope I can do that again

* Playing a laid back game of ultimate with a bunch of WEC peeps

Friday, June 20, 2008

The Evening Athletics Continue!

* Playing a large game of ultimate on Wednesday with 6 people per
team! Time flew by so fast that 7pm rolled around before we realized

* Improving my batting in the double header Thursday compared to the
Tuesday game.

* The sound of rain

* The rain and hail holding out until just after I got home from the game

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!

* Getting a TON of happy birthday wishes on facebook from everyone :)
:) They kept flowing in all day long

* Getting a couple birthday cards/emails as well, and even 2 phone
calls, one of which was the whole UCM crew at bible study!

* Playing Softball

* Going to Plaza Azteca for dinner with Dave, Meredith, Jon, and Bryan

* Opening my presents from my parents! I didn't get a chance to do
this until about 9:20-9:30pm because the day was so full (very good
thing!). Everything I got was blue, as was the wrapping paper, and it
was all very interestingly wrapped.

* An all around good birthday!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Free food, busy day, fun day

* Free lunch at work since I was interviewing a guy for an open position in my group

* A very smooth/successful interview

* Playing ultimate for the first time this summer at NASA.  There were 12 people in all including LARSS students and us old fogies :-P

* A meshing & discussion filled community group

Friday, June 13, 2008


* Safe and quick trip to DC for a meeting on Tuesday.  The traffic was very light and the meeting went well!!  I even got to eat at Chipotle on the way back :)


* Very busy, quick, and slightly productive week at work


* Arrival of the weekend!!  And a week ahead with fun busy evenings :)

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Busy busy

* Keeping extremely busy at work trying to keep my student(s) busy.  Busy is much better than bored, especially when it’s the kind of busy that can be dropped at 5pm and not worried about until morning


* Making a lot of progress on various tasks at work on my own list


* Catching up a bit with Katherine!

Sean & Rebekah's Wedding & TX Visitor

I had an amazing time in Victoria, BC Canada for Sean and Rebekah's wedding.  I had never been further west than skiing in Colorado, so I have now expanded my travel distance.  I also got to see both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans from the airplane/ground in the same day.  The wedding was awesome and there were so many positive things that happened that I can't begin to list them all.  I have been holding off on posting until I could list them all, but I'm getting further behind on everything afterward so I will need to leave it at that.

Right after I got back, Tara, Andrew, and Ange came up to visit!!! We had a really fun time going to DC, Williamsburg, and Jamestown as well as hanging out and expanding my restaurant visits in the area.  I definitely missed hanging around them all the time (well, Tara and Andrew all the time, and Ange when she was around since we never actually lived in CS at the same time) and was very glad to have them stay with me for a few days.  I now have 700+ pictures to remind me of everything we did. :)

Hopefully now I will start updating on a more regular basis as I am not going to worry about listing anything prior to today.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Vacation Approaches

* Having a backup of my computer for when something went wrong…I knew it would pay off some day

* The team we are supposed to play on Monday wasn’t going to have enough people so they asked if they could move the game, and it got moved to a time I can make it now since it originally conflicted with community group (which is why Dave and Meredith couldn’t make it…they are the opponents)

* Finishing up my last full week of work before my vacation :):):)

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Surprising Victory

* Beating the best softball team in the league 11-5 !!!!  I had been told repeatedly to expect to lose since the team we were playing has only lost one game per season for the last 4 or 5 years.  We pulled it off by not hitting to their outfielders and playing well all around.  I got to play second base which I haven't really ever practiced, but I think I learned a few things and will do even better next time.  I had 3 hits out of 4 at bats and scored 1 run!

* Getting in an extra hour at work since the game was a late game, which I will use toward my vacation next week :)

* Not having to do anything else in the evening.  My to-do list through Friday evening was complete :)

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Under 1 week!

* Just under 1 week until I leave for Victoria!!!


* Reaching 100 facebook friends…without just trying to add people to reach a number goal.  Its really not about the numbers, but it was cool to happen to notice it said 100.  My new community group leader was #100


* Getting a lot accomplished in the evening to finally make some more progress on my to-do list

Community Group Begins

* My first community group meeting.  I had heard to expect that it will take a few weeks for people to start to get to know each other, which is why the groups are closed.  Our group seemed to get along and start chatting instantly, so we were leaps and bounds beyond where I expected we'd be after the first week.  I now know what I'm doing almost every Monday evening for the next year.

*  Another perfect evening to leave the windows open all night

* My softball team won their first game (even if I wasn't there!)

Monday, May 5, 2008

Worn a good way

* Playing ultimate with a ton of people for a couple hours.  We actually had a 7 on 7 game for a while and more people came after some left!  It was an amazing turnout.  The weather was a little warm and my legs were jelly at the end, but it was completely worth it.

* Running Kids Kraze tech for the first time with no real glitches

* Leaving the windows open all night with a perfect slight breeze :)

Saturday, May 3, 2008


* Riding my bike approx 13 miles J  I decided to go out and ride because it seemed to help last week.  Once I had gotten as far as I had planned to go, I decided to go around the development I was riding in one more time adding about 3 more miles to the trip.  I was completely warn out when I was done but it was definitely worth it


* Getting a phone call about a pickup game of Ultimate right after I had showered after riding my bike.  I didn’t know if I could handle it but decided to go anyway.  It turned out to be soccer, but I still had fun and discovered that it seemed to have gotten a lot warmer so I didn’t last too too long.  This should also help put me in shape for Ultimate on Sunday if it doesn’t rain.


* Finally getting my hair cut again so that it isn’t so long anymore

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Busy Weekend

* Going to Busch Gardens on Friday! The weather turned out to be quite awesome. To make things even better, I picked up my phone Friday morning and noticed a voicemail that I had missed Thursday evening, and listened to it to discover that Adam wanted to do something Friday or Saturday and suggested Busch Gardens on Friday evening. What a coincidence!?!? I met him there, as well as 4 other people, so it was a lot of fun.

* Laura's Bday party. After Busch Gardens, we went to Laura's bday party at a really nice house on a winding river. I hung out there and chatted with people until about 1am and then headed for home.

* Getting outside to ride my bike for about an hour on Saturday. It was good to get some exercise and I felt like I could have gone further if I wanted to, so maybe I will next time. I needed the exercise and bike riding is much more controlled than jogging. (There is fast pace and medium...jogging only has 1 real not awkward speed)

* Playing Ultimate on Sunday! I had much more endurance than the previous week, which is really good because it was 3 on 3. I am guessing it was due to my bike ride yesterday, and the exercise was paying off. I will have to do that more often.

Friday, April 25, 2008

House Party

* Hanging out playing catch with a softball and frisbee at Yorktown
beach for a little bit in the evening

* Going to the WEC House Party, getting cheesecake from the cheesecake
factory :) and signing up for a community group! That makes me
officially plugged into the church the only 2 ways possible

* Finishing season 3 of "The Office"

* Making plans to go to Busch Gardens :)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

70 and partly cloudy

* Another lazy evening watching episodes of "The Office"

* Driving home with the windows rolled down because it was the perfect weather out

* Leaving the windows in my apartment open all evening and getting the perfect balance of breeze and temp

* Finally getting text messaging! (Hopefully I don't run over!)

The Office

* Relaxing and watching many episodes of "The Office" in the evening

* Getting an electric bill approximately half of what the last one was :)

* An end to the days of rain. I liked the rain while it was raining,
yet was glad to see it stop too

Monday, April 21, 2008


* A fun business trip to Chicago! The trip was a lot of fun and had its own full set of positives. The flights were ALL on time (amazing!), the weather was awesome (the first days over 70 that they had had in 140 days (I heard that on the tv)), I didn't get eaten by a cougar (always a plus! don't forget that!), experiencing another non-lethal earthquake, a really nice hotel, getting authentic Chicago deep dish pizza, getting an authentic Chicago hot-dog, eating at Chipotle, a relaxed work portion of the trip, and much much more!! It was an all around fun trip.

* A neighbor helping me out when I was trying to back out of a parking spot and couldn't see out my back window. They were nice enough to point out an oncoming car that was nearly impossible to see. Neighbors being neighborly :)

* Successfully (mostly!) running the Wee World tech all by myself without any real training! There was only one minor technical glitch that I wouldn't have been able to fix, but I kept on top of all the mics, etc.

* Seeing the monuments in DC on my way back from Chicago from the airplane/airport.

* Only ONE MORE MONTH until Tara, Angela, and Andrew arrive!! Its also LESS than a month until Sean's Wedding :) Oh, yeah and Rebekah's wedding too :-P

Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Sound of Silence...and others

* the sound of: the rain on the car, the air past the car, the relaxing blinker, splashing puddles beneath the tires. It was also nice to have some near silence in a noise filled world

* 2 hours of ultimate Frisbee for the first time in a month! I had a ton of fun doin what I could to get points, even diving for it.

* Learning how to do the "Wee World" tech job at WEC...I had learned a bit of the "Kids Kraze" last week, so now I'm getting closer to actually potentially starting training.

Friday, April 11, 2008

New Shows

* Hanging out in the evening watching The Office and Scrubs at
Alicia's house. I had never seen a full episode of The Office before
and it was pretty funny. It was also the first time I hung out with a
lot of those people outside of Starbucks on Sunday evenings.

* Driving home from work with the windows down and sunroof open! It
warmed up perfectly and became a really nice day.

* A really cool fog in the morning on the way to work. Granted it
makes it harder to drive, but the fog was really neat.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


* Softball practice even though it was cool and drizzly. I was very disappointed when I went outside and found out it was drizzling, but we still had 5 people from our team and 1 from the other to do a little practice.

* Calling Adam and making plans to go up to Richmond tomorrow for dinner a day early for his bday

* Another day at the office with no real deadlines so that I could be as productive as I wanted to be

Monday Monday

* A day at work with no deadlines looming...I was able to be as productive, or unproductive as I wanted!

* Talking to Tara & Ange, and even Andrew on the phone for quite a while while I was on the road, and more on line after :) Thanks gals (and Andrew)!

* Finally making it all the way out to Garden Ridge to get some throw pillows

Friday, April 4, 2008

New Restaurants

* Going to a new restaurant for dinner. I went to Plaza Azteca with some friends since the weather was not good enough for yorktown beach. The food was good and we hung around for a while just chatting. All in all it was a lot of fun.

* Finding out that my boss & project manager want me to go to Chicago in 2 weeks to meet with the other contractors. Originally they weren't going to have me go but decided that we had jumped passed thetop level discussion and they really needed a modeller who knew the low level details to go...and the only one is me.

* Hooking up my new HD cable receiver box and watching a little bit of TV in HD :)

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Chili Cheese Fries

* Looking around the kitchen and realizing the only thing I really had to eat was chili (which is a great option!) and then thinking that I really wanted fries. I though that fries didnt' go with chili and then remembered that they do in fact go! Mmmmm, chili cheese fries!

* The first softball practice. I had been looking forward to batting for a few days and it was fun. The practice was full of oddities...We broke a ball (might have been partially broken, but thudded when I hit it), an aluminum bat (that never happens!), and a windshield! I couldn't believe it, it was pretty action packed! At least the guy who broke the windshield broke his own.

* Sleeping in simply because I wanted to in the morning

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

April Fools

* Seeing other people copying the joke Ange and I started a couple
days ago. When we started it, it was just for fun and spontaneity,
with no relation at all to April Fools Day. Marshall and Tracy copied
for April Fools day, and we all messed with people's heads :-P

* Amazingly warm weather

* Tacos and cheese fries, yum! I was baking fries and decided at the
last minute to toss some cheese on. I'm very glad I did!

Monday, March 31, 2008


* Not missing a single blog entry in March!

* A quick day at work that started from an empty schedule and a list of simple tasks. Perhaps what made it so good was the fact that a few of the tasks involved chatting with people about simple conceptual items

* Setting aside an hour in the evening

* More rain...and this rain brought 60 deg temps in the late evening

Planning!! ;)

* Sleeping in

* Hanging out at Starbucks

* Accomplishing a lot around the apartment in the middle of the day

* The sound of rain

* Staying up late entirely due to an extremely fun set of conversations with Ange, Tara, and Andrew!! It was a whole lot of fun and we got a lot of planning done! haha! ;)

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Lazy Saturday

* Waking up and realizing there was NOTHING on my to do list for today! That hasn't happened in forever

* Getting a little organizing/cleaning done

* Cooking chili :) I like my chili and it takes a few hours so I only get to do it on Saturdays when I'm not running around. Now I'll have leftovers for quite some time.

* Looking forward to Sunday. Its a positive feeling so it fits here, not that I actually have to justify anything I put here :-P


* A very entertaining set of phone calls from Ange! (with some input from the rest of the van headed to retreat)

* Finally having another meeting with our customer at work, and having him be happy with our work and ideas. We got a bit of a new direction but that is ok and we'll work through it

* Getting to work early. I needed to get up early and get into work early to get some stuff done that I hadn't done Thursday and I actually pulled it off. I really thought I'd probably sleep in and not get to work when I wanted to like usual, but I surprised myself and made it.

* Getting in a couple extra hours at work which I can use either next week or in May whenever I need them.

*Being told I could work 80 hours a week if I wanted to and then disappear for 2 months. I think my boss was at least partially joking but the thought of a 2 month vacation was an interesting one.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Yorktown Beach

* Hanging out at Yorktown Beach! (nicknamed Thursday At Yorktown Beach [TAYB]) We played catch with both a softball and Frisbee, sat around and chatted, and played bean bag toss.

* Perfect weather for an evening outside...It was ~75 during the day and sunny :)

* Having a feeling like I had a mini-vacation when I got home in the evening

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


* Coming home to the smell of my crockpot chicken and dumplings.

* An evening to relax

* Seeing deer by the parking lot at work. I hadn't seen them wander out of the woods there before, but I can usually hear them. It was cool to see 2 or 3 of them wandering around by the side of the lot.


* A theologically rich, interesting meeting!

* A fast day at work filled with meetings and other activities

* Finding enough food to last me another day so I didn't have to go
grocery shopping

* Getting laundry done


* A quick efficient day of work, getting caught up on emails and other
things I missed.

* A relaxing evening with nothing important to do! I hadn't gotten to
relax in a long time and it felt really good

* Getting to bed early

* Catching up a bit with Ange who I hadn't talked to in forever it
seemed! I have no idea how that happened


* Having a fun cookout and watching my cousins cook everything they could find over the campfire. Apparently flame cooked grapes on a stick actually taste good! Celery, Dorritos, Carrots, and a number of other things were on the failures list.

* Having an extended family that really didn't want to see me leave. My youngest cousin even refused to stop hanging on my leg for quite a while!

* Safe drive back from SC to VA, and a return to a clean apartment.

Zoo & Park

* Getting to finally really hang out with my extended family including my cousin and his wife (who I didn't meet until friday)!

* Going to the zoo, zoo, zoo! We went to the Greenville zoo for the afternoon and everyone enjoyed seeing all the animals. My youngest cousin Matthew had been extremely shy on Friday and hadn't really said a word to me, but he returned to normal and wouldn't leave my side for
the most part starting Saturday at the zoo. :)

* Reedy River Park. We went to the reedy river park in the center of Greenville, and once again the weather was perfect. The park has a (20 ft??) set of falls in it and a really nice looking walking bridge.It was funny to see my aunt facinated by the bridge since she is a
bridge designer/inspector.

* Going out to eat at Ryan's

Brian & Crystal's Wedding

* BRIAN & CRYSTAL'S WEDDING!!!! The wedding was amazing. It was
outdoors, the weather was perfect, the decorations were great, and
everyone looked beautiful or sharp!
* Seeing all of my relatives and some of the people from my church at the wedding

* Finishing up all the last minute stuff in time

* My new sister-in-law Crystal!! :)


* Brian's rehearsal!!!! The rehearsal went well and the weather was awesome. We also found out that the weather for the wedding would be perfect as well!

* Getting a lot accomplished toward making the wedding happen without any glitches

* Hanging out with my brothers

* Spending the night at Brian's


* Half day of work!

* Smooth, safe drive to SC from VA. I made it with only a little
traffic, despite the heavy rain for hours. I was expecting the worst
when I left and was pleasantly surprised.

* Getting to see my family

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Last Full Work Day

* Completing my last full day of work for the week

* Getting something done at work that I thought would take through
Wednesday morning

* Getting the apartment clean enough to leave and the majority of my
packing done

* Making it all the way through Romans in one sitting. I'll have to
go back and do it again to make sure I caught all the overarching
themes, but that was a great start.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


* Quick smooth day at work

* Extremely quiet office since everyone is out of town

* Getting the chance to finish up some non-work research I was working
on and discuss it

Monday, March 17, 2008


* Ultimate! And we even had 12 people show up, which made for a fun
set of games

* Water's Edge's 5th bday. The church turned 5, and they had a
special evening service with free gelato :)

* Hanging around at Starbucks in the evening and chatting with people

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Game Day pt. II

* Game day at Kevin's again. We played a lot of games, and I learned new ones, and got better at ones I learned last week. It was fun and took 10 hours! Quite the busy afternoon/evening

* Another perfect sunny day!

* Sleeping in, and still getting some stuff done in the morning that I needed to. I forget how nice it is to sleep in on weekends, and its always a pleasant surprise

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Bonfire @ Beach House

* The beginning of the weekend, and what a busy weekend it is!

* Going to a "Bonfire" party at a beach house on the Chesapeake Bay. It was the perfect weather: partly cloudy, light breeze, and just cool enough that you'd want to be near the fire, but not cold enough to make you cold when away from it. It was a lot of fun and the scenery was great.

* Productive day at work. I had a task pop up that kept me racing/busy most of the day, which is exactly what I needed to make the day fly by.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Keep on the Sunny Side of Life

* A sunny and warm day! It was 70 degrees when I got off work and it was quite amazing. Is it really March?

* Getting packages in the mail. I got a pair of comfy slip on shoes and some video cables, but regardless of what arrives, it is fun to get packages.

* Having more packages to track. I really enjoy tracking packages. Maybe it is the anticipation of them arriving, or maybe it is my computer geekyness, but its fun.

* An all around good day. Work went well. After work went well. Nothing extra in particular to point out, but some days just feel better.

Nice Evening

* Sending out a semi-final format of something we've been working on
at work, indicating that this part of the project which I have been
primarily responsible for is nearing completion

* Relaxing evening

* Getting some reading/research done in the evening

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


* Time to think

* Being able to enjoy a lot of daylight again

* Meetings that make the day go faster at work

* Catching up with Tara

Daylight Saving

* Getting a chance to take care of some shopping after work.

* Long daylight after work

* Getting to bed on time to start to get back some missed sleep

Monday, March 10, 2008

Busy Sunday

* Being motivated to get up and go to church even though I hadn't
fallen asleep until 4:30am

* Positve Changes/Decisions

* Ultimate frisbee! We only played one game but it took a long time
and wore us all out completely

* Hanging around to chat after Ultimate and getting an answer I hoped
for when talking to Dave

* Playing Taboo at Starbucks with a fun group

Saturday, March 8, 2008


* Playing lots of games with a decent sized group of people for most of the day and into the evening at Kevin's

* Taking care of some errands in the morning so that I could make it on time to Kevin's

* 150th blog post! I'm impressed that I have managed to keep this up for 150 posts :) Here's to the next 150!

Friday, March 7, 2008


* The arrival of the weekend

* Jogging past some ducks that didn't seem to care that I was very close to them

* Rain

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Counting Blue Cars

* Meeting with Meredith from WEC to find out about the fundamental beliefs at WEC, and compare them to my own. I'm glad she was willing take the time to tell me about the church.

* Finding out I might not differ much from the church

* Finishing up the last major thing for a project at work. One short telecon and potentially a small discussions to go and I'll be back to 1 task.

-Note: Bonus point to anyone who notices what the title has to do with the entry...answer to come sometime, if nobody figures it out (which someone probably will, its not that hard)


* Getting to lounge around and just watch tv most of the evening

* Warm sunny weather

* Playing command & conquer displayed on the tv w/ surround sound

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

New TV!!!!!

* Getting my new TV!!!!! It is just amazing, and sure beats the small
one that I already had that couldn't really be seen from the couch! I
broke it in with some gunfire and explosions from the matrix, starting
with the lobby scene of course...a perfect choice. I am definitely
going to enjoy it and watch it for hours!

* Rain holding off until I could get my TV and bring it home. I was
worried it might decide to start raining and I wouldn't be able to get
the TV since it might get wet in transit.

* Strong walls and roof. The storm was large and very powerful,
accompanied by plenty of lightning (which prompted me to unplug the TV
so it wouldn't die!). The winds were increadibly loud and powerful,
but my apartment held together just fine, and for that I am grateful.

Monday, March 3, 2008


* Talking to people online

* Sunny and warm weather :)

* Not having as busy of a day at work as I had imagined I would.

* Taking the time to rate some of my songs and realizing I had more of them
that I like than I remembered

* Doing more research on TVs

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Excellent Sundays

* Going back to the same church I went to before and having a good time too.  The sermon was excellent and thought provoking and right along some things I had been thinking recently.


* Playing ultimate Frisbee.  The weather was perfect!  I got incredibly worn out and a few scrapes and bumps, but it was worth it.


* Hanging out at Starbucks with some nice people in the evening.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Productivity...once again

* Waking up early without an alarm, and feeling ready to productively tackle a whole day in which I had absolutely nothing planned.

* Getting organized, or at least part of the way. Previously when I cleaned, I put everything somewhere so that the floor area was clean and large surfaces were clear, but everything still looked messy. Therein lies the difference between clean and organized, so I began to tackle the organizational needs. Small boxes which have had no home since I moved in now have homes, and my unfiled mail from 2006-2007 (I already had previously done all 2008 mail to date) was either filed or trashed according to its importance. While it doesn't actually make the place look clean, it does look more organized...even the things that you can't see, but I know are there like files. I still have a lot to do, but that is for another day.

* Clean car windows and properly inflated tires, which I had been meaning to take care of for a couple weeks but always forgot to do. This is largely because I have a short memory span and tires can only be checked when cool, so there is a mandatory wait time after I drive, which is sufficient for me to forget.

* Feeling like I had a very productive day

* Catching up with Katherine again for a bit, and hearing that she is making progress!

Friday, February 29, 2008

Once in a blue moon

On this non-celebrated, rarer than a blue moon day (albeit more common than a black moon, which I will leave to you to figure out), I have decided to break out of my normal positives a plenty style and take a look at what has happened since the last Leap Day. Concentrating on a day by day basis, it is sometimes difficult to find the great things that happened that day, even when I know there must have been thousands of them that I just wasn't paying attention to. This often leads to thoughts about the general larger overarching positives in my life that are sometimes missed by looking for shorter term details.

Four years ago was 2004 believe it or not, and a whole lot has happened since then. At that point in time, I was buried in my classwork (happily at times!) and life seemed to be flying by. I definitely had a nice apartment, extremely close to campus, in the Presbyterian Campus Ministry building, with a pretty awesome roommate who I still hang out with when I get a chance. I must say that in retrospect, things were going really well...classes that may have seemed overly challenging were rewarding in the end, and those that required a lot of work were still enjoyable and are part of the reason I can do my job so easily today.

Senior year, design class was going well, and I once again confirmed that I had picked the absolute perfect major for myself. I definitely have to acknowledge that I was extremely fortunate to have found such a perfect fit, and known it since I was in jr. high. This does not happen for most people, and some even graduate without knowing for sure what they want to do. Senior year came with its challenges, but like all challenges they inspired positive changes. A big item to every graduating senior is the question of what to do after graduation. For some, this is a long and arduous process, for others a painful realization that they may not be where they want to be. I was more than fortunate when it came to this issue, as most who know me understand. I began applying to graduate schools, and before I could even finish the applications, a well known professor, and author of one of my textbooks, called me up to get me to go to Texas A&M and work with him. Being completely unable to say no to such an opportunity, I was in the door before finishing the application. The relief that this type of event brings is amazing and is one that sticks with me. Just one more example of how fortunate I was, and something that happened long before I started listing things in this blog.

I will admit that I was nervous about moving down to Texas, to a university/town/state I had never even visited. I checked out the area online and even communicated briefly with Kyle, and had a plan in place to at least start to try and make some friends. Everyone who I know for sure reads this knows the outcome of that...and it is another one of the huge positives that squeezes into so many of the details of my positives.

Moving was a long drive, with all of my stuff fitting in my car, and I managed to convince myself to give the United Campus Ministry a try and go tubing. That is one experience I have not forgotten, and though I don't remember who all I talked to that day, I do recall some people thinking that someone else must have brought me but they didn't know who.

The integration into UCM was quick and seamless, and I remember pausing after one semester (or less) and realizing that it felt like I had been in UCM for years. I recall Tara and I discussing it once and on more than one occasion she had forgotten I wasn't there before August. UCM became my second major and any investment I made into UCM was returned 10 fold.

The two years at Texas A&M flew by with remarkable speed and was gone before I knew it. As many know, they were not without their lack of challenges, some of which were quite huge and academic. The ride was bumpy in some areas, but the UCM friends managed to smooth it out anyway, and keep everything positive, for which I am extremely grateful.

I once again approached the problematic position of graduating. I often found myself slightly worried about what I would do when I graduated and what I would do if I did not find a job. The only thing that kept this feeling from becoming major was the sense that it would all work out just fine, and the fact that I had been in communication with Kevin E. about potential employment, and I had him as a strong internal advocate for hiring me. I am glad that he put his reputation on the line to help me out, and I know that he feels like it has paid off. I managed to get the job with my present employer AMA at the last possible moment. I had discovered that I was getting an interview on a Tuesday, and flown up for an interview the next Tuesday. The following week was an exceptionally long one with a rewarding finish. I presented my work for my Masters degree and got a job offer the following Tuesday at the exact same time (offer came during my presentation). I am glad for both of these positives, and it made for a huge day. I moved out of my apartment the following week and was grateful to have friends who let me stay with them for a few days until I flew up to VA to start my job.

When described, the whole experience sounds awesome, but I am constantly reminded that it was much more than that and that the positives were HUGE. I developed an amazing set of friends who welcome me back with open arms if I come to visit, and some of whom even take the time out of their own lives to plan a trip up to visit me! UCMers, you are all truly the best friends I could ask for!

My job has been something of a constant positive, as I work with some amazing people on a daily basis, and get to do some really interesting things. The months have flown by, and my co-workers all seem to appreciate the work that I do and are already putting some higher responsibilities on my shoulders. It is very nice to be trusted.

One major concern I had moving to a new area was the issue of friends once again. I had a plan going to TAMU, and it worked out just how I had hoped (and then some!). The plan for while employed was much less defined, so I decided to combine the friend finding with something more important...finding a home church. The task of finding a home church has been much more extensive than I had imagined, and some would look at it as a frustrating task, and allow it to consume them and cause them to give up. I realize that each church I visit is unique, and some I agree with more than others. The jumping around and seeing different points of view has helped to dramatically sharpen my own views, which I previously was not as sure of. In this way, I have benefited greatly from the experience already, and am likely to continue to do so.

Having more alone time has also caused me to often take a look around and realize that a large hole needs to be filled. This round hole has been plugged with square pegs in the past via the gaining of friends and not worrying about much else. The filling of the hole can only be accomplished through more active religious studies. Some would say that not hanging out with friends all the time would be boring and frustrating, but sometimes that is exactly what is needed to show us that we are missing, or lacking, in the most important area of our lives, and that we need to concentrate more on God than we have been. This experience has been a critical one, and is not yet over for me. I hope everyone has the feeling at some point (sooner rather than later!) that leads them to the same conclusions! I may not have found a home church yet, but I have found some religious friends, and grown a lot in my own faith.

This brings me to my next large positive, and much closer to the present. I am lucky enough to have some co-workers who are as fond of Ultimate Frisbee as I am, and one who actually plays on a regular basis with some friends of theirs from their church (not coincidentally the most recent one I visited). We get to play quite often, even in the wind, rain, or cold! It is great to have a group of people to hang out and get some exercise with in a fun outdoor way.

This brings me up to the present day, and I really hope that everyone who has actually bothered to read this all the way to this point (I know there may only be 2 who do), takes the time to stop and think about what has happened to them in the last 4 years. It is truly remarkable how fortunate we can be on the whole, and yet how wrapped up in day-to-day business we can become. I encourage you to stop and take a half an hour sometime soon to sit by yourself in a quiet area and think about the larger positives that have come about in your life. You will be amazed how quickly a half an hour can really go by, and that it truly isn't enough time to fathom all the great things God has provided for you. And with that I say, Happy Leap Day.

Cool and Toasty...Contradictory?

* Cool Weather. While I don't particularly like really cold and windy
weather unless snow is present, I do enjoy having at least a few days
below freezing each year. February has been strangely warm this year,
and its nice to finally have a cold day.

* Toasty Car. When I got in my car in the middle of the day to drive
over to the bank on Center, my car was quite toasty, which was
completely unexpected due to the cold weather outside. That is the
sign of a nice sunny day! I was a pleasant surprise, and did not go

* Chatting with co-workers for about an hour after normal work had
ended. It doesn't happen often, and we didn't realize how late it had
gotten, but it was nice to hang around and chat.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Sun and Possible Snow

* Sunlight. It is nice to be able to see the sun, even when I leave work late. It hasn't been very long since it was dark before 5pm and I had to leave early if I wanted to see daylight. Soon Daylight Saving Time will be here and we will even be able to play Ultimate in the evenings after work again.

* Chance of snow. Even the chance of snow is nice after having lived without snow for so long. I should have made a bigger snowman last time, but I might just get another chance!

* Super productive day at work. I had given out an estimate for a day and a half to complete what I managed to do after 11am today. I still have a lot of work to do this week, but busy and interesting sure beats slow and boring!

Rediscovering DVDs

* Sleeping in and going into work a little later than my planned 8am

* Leaving work early simply because I felt like it and wanted to go for a jog, even if it meant I had to do a little work in the evening to get my hours

* Apples and Caramel Dip!!!

* Watching a dvd. I hadn’t watched a dvd since I moved (as was evident by the fact that my video cable from the dvd player to the tv had never been hooked up) and had forgotten how much better the sound quality is than watching movies on tv

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


* Finishing up a slight busy period at work , and now the rest of the week should be pretty smooth and allow me to work on whatever I feel like working on

* Getting off work at 4:30. Some days I feel the need to stick around
later, others I just go ahead and leave when my 8hrs is up. It's nice to
have flex hours

* Lazy evening in front of the TV without worrying about much of anything

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Waters Edge

* Going to a new church (Waters Edge) and having a good time.  It was very odd to walk into a church I have never been to before but know that someone there would know me (co-worker).  I walked in looking for them and scanning the crowd and completely missed one of the other people I know walking up to me until they asked if I had found my co-worker yet, then led me to him.  The service was nice and the attendees are much younger than most churches which is a definite plus for me.  It was nice to see some people I recognize from Ultimate and feel welcome.


* Ultimate Frisbee for a couple hours in the afternoon.  Unlike previous weeks it was not raining or windy, however it was a little cool which turned out to be quite nice when running around as much as we do.  The teams may not always come out even (quite often they do not since some people haven’t seemed to figure out who not to group on a team), but we had a lot of fun anyway and I came away sore as always.  I guess the soreness is a reminder to me for the next couple days of the fun had playing Ultimate.


* Hanging out with some people from the church I went to in the evening at Starbucks.  We played taboo until they kicked us out due to their new earlier closing time.  It was a lot of fun and it seems like I am getting to know some of the people in this town.  There were about 12 people there, and 3 of them were Ultimate players, and a few more I had met this morning.  If only I were better with names!

Saturday, February 23, 2008


* Going shopping and finding everything I wanted pretty quickly.

* Assembling my new file drawer. While most people don't like to assemble things once they get them, it gave me an extremely constructive task to work on for a little bit in the afternoon, which helps to satisfy the urge to do something constructive each day.

* Seeing some nice steaks in the discount meat section at Kroger for the first time since I started keeping an eye out for them in early January. I picked up some and am really looking forward to steak and fries for dinner! yum yum. I even put a Chipotle Cinnamon rub on it which I have had once before and really really like.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Warm Drinks on a Cold Evening

* While I know I just mentioned hot chocolate 2 days ago, it is amazing how awesome it is, and how much warmer it can make you for a few hours afterward on a cold evening! It looks like it may be making a reappearance into my regular routine.

* After having run out of cereal (must go grocery shopping tomorrow!) I had breakfast cereal bars at work w/ hot apple cider from a mix! It was so good and hit the spot. It sure seems like I'm back to my warm drinks again :)

* Talking to Tara in the evening while she was driving to Plano to visit Alison.

*Getting in a few games of Command and Conquer

* No traffic on the way to work despite all the warnings and NASA emails were putting out about how horrible everything would be in the morning.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Mostly Lazy Evening

* More fun planning for the May visitors J

* Having a mostly lazy evening

* Being able to leave work at 4:30 when I felt all worked out

* Getting in a little exercise

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Hot Chocolate!

* Having hot chocolate with lunch! I love hot chocolate and I was a little
cool during the day, so it was a perfect touch. I had gotten a company mug
a couple weeks ago and finally remembered to take it home, wash it, and take
it back so I could use it. Very warm and nice.

* Being enough ahead at work to not worry about coming due dates!

* Getting a call from Ange after the failed lunar eclipse and chatting with
her, and tara, with a few crazies in the background :-P.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Productive Evening

* Getting the laundry taken care of and mostly put away

* Finished sorting/filing all the papers/mail that stacked up since

* Getting in a little bit of actual work done in the evening to be able to
round my work hours up meaning I will go less into the negative vacation
hours in May!

* Having a generally clean apartment and desk. A little more work and it
will be cleaner than ever. The desk is usually the stumbling block, but
with the papers sorted, it is better than normal

*Managing to update this on a fairly regular basis recently!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Presidents Day

*Getting the day off work for Presidents Day.  It is not a well remembered holiday and I probably only remembered it because it means I don’t have to go to work.  I had a few people ask why I wasn’t at work (since I was online) and so I don’t feel bad not being the only person who wouldn’t remember the holiday.  It was nice to have a 3 day weekend because it somehow seems much more than 1 ½ times as long as normal weekend.  Somehow, Sunday felt more relaxing than a normal Sunday because I knew I had another day, and today felt more relaxing than a Sunday usually does.


*Remembering to set aside some God time!


*Playing Frisbee with Kevin.  Even though we had just played ultimate yesterday, we got together to toss the disc around for about 40 minutes.  That was all the longer we lasted since we were still both worn out from yesterday, but it helped break up the afternoon and make the day more rewarding.


*Having plenty of dinner ideas for the upcoming week (including leftovers)


*Talking to Tara on the phone for a while.  It was nice to get to talk to her on the phone and laugh at myself, as well as hear what I already knew…I have TOO MUCH FREE TIME!




*An amazing day outside!  Today’s high was about 70…is it really February????  According to weather underground the record is 78 (sheesh!) so we didn’t break that but still!

Sunday, February 17, 2008


* Ultimate Frisbee in perfect weather! It started raining as I left my
apartment but stopped shortly after I got there. We played for 2 hours and
had a ton of fun.

* Not hurting myself playing ultimate

* Being productive in a fun way

Official May Visitors

*Getting the flights finalized for Andrew, Ange, and Tara!!! It is now
official that they are coming up to visit in May, and it should be an
amazing time!!!

*Finishing up my federal and state taxes, w/ refunds. :)

*Starting to look up restaurants and things to do for when I have visitors
in May :)

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Waking up to 1.5" of snow on the ground, and 2-3 on my car!!!! It was awesome. I even made a little snowman before work.

*Making it to work safely despite all the accidents around

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Lifted up (and away)

*Playing ultimate for the first time since November.  Even though it was windy, we still had a large turnout and played for 2.5 hours!  I was amazed at how much we could actually play in the wind.  One of the throws actually went way up in the air turned sharply, went 15-20 feet out of bounds and then turned around again and came all the way back into the endzone.  Someone almost caught it even though all the rest of us were way at the other end not moving after we saw it veer out.  All in all it really wore me out and I’m still sore, but it was worth it.


*Talking to Katherine for a while Sunday evening, venting back and forth about different things.  Even though we didn’t actually manage to catch up at all, I felt a lot better after a not so great day.  We’re both usually are too busy to chat, so it was really good that we got a chance.


*Revived hope to find a home church out there somewhere

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Fun & Relaxing Week

*Lounging around and doing very little on a Saturday.  All week I went to work and came home and didn’t do too much besides chatting with people online.  It made for a pretty good week.  And Saturday was full of lounging around with some fun IM conversations


*Catching up with Katherine!  It had been a while since I talked to her, and we had some much needed catching up to do.  We didn’t get all the way caught up, but we did our best!


*Getting praise for a job well done at work


*Playful banter…